The mountains and rivers are exotic, and the wind and the moon are the same; All the seas are brothers, who is the traveler; Know each other far and near, Wan Li is still a neighbor.
Japan is a highly developed capitalist country and the third largest economy in the world. Its resources are scarce and it is extremely dependent on imports, and the developed manufacturing industry is the pillar of the national economy. Scientific research, aerospace, manufacturing and education all rank among the top in the world. Cultural industries led by animation and game industries and developed tourism are also important symbols. Japan is a world model in many aspects such as environmental protection, and its citizens generally have good education, living standards and national quality. Up to now, traditional Japanese culture such as tea ceremony, flower path and book path has been preserved.
as of January, 219, Japan is located in the east of Asia-Europe continent and the northwest of the Pacific Ocean, with a land area of about 378, square kilometers, including Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu and more than 6,8 other small islands, so it is also called "the country of thousands of islands". Japan is bounded by the Pacific Ocean in the east and south, the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea in the west, and the Sea of Okhotsk in the north, facing North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, the Philippines and other countries across the sea.