1. All things can be a teacher in classical Chinese
Original text:
Guan Zhong and Xi Peng followed Yu Huan Gong to cut down the lonely bamboo. Spring went away and winter returned, and they were confused and lost. road. Guan Zhong said: "The wisdom of the old horse can be used." He let the old horse go and followed him, and he achieved the Tao. There was no water in the mountains. Xi Peng said: "Ants live in the sun of the mountains in winter and in the shade of the mountains in summer. There is water within an inch of ant soil." So he dug in the ground and found water.
With Guan Zhong’s sage and Xi Peng’s wisdom, it is not difficult for people to learn from old horses and ants until they don’t understand it. Today’s people don’t know how to learn the wisdom of saints with their foolish minds. Isn’t it too much?
Guan Zhong and Xi Peng followed Duke Huan of Qi to expedition to Lone Bamboo in the north. They returned from spring to winter. They lost their way on the way home because there was no guide who was familiar with the geography. Guan Zhong said : "The wisdom of the old horse can be used." So he let the old horse walk in front of the army and let it go as it pleased. The army followed it and found its way back. Marching in the mountains, there was no water to drink. Xi Peng said: "Ants settle on the south side of the mountain in winter and on the north side of the mountain in summer. If the soil on the ant nest is one inch high, then there will be water seven or eight feet below." "He excavated the ant nest and found the source of water.
With the wisdom of Guan Zhong and Xi Peng, they did not regard it as a shame to ask old horses and ants for advice on things they did not understand. Today's people Isn't it too much to deny that you are ignorant and don't know how to learn and absorb the wisdom of saints? 2. What are the ancient Chinese poems that say that all things have their own laws?
When spring comes, all things willow, and their leaves are full of sorrow.
——Zi Jingyi's "Send Off Gu Qiji to the North" When spring comes, everything revives, and in autumn the leaves wither away, which is the sorrow of separation. All things in the four seasons have their ups and downs, but my sorrow is temporarily gone - Cai Wenji's "Eighteen Beats of Hujia" Everything in the world has its ups and downs, but my pain cannot be driven away.
Everything is spring and people are old alone. After a year, Yan will return. ——Yang Wanli's "Two Poems of Spring Sunny and Hometown Begonias" Although the earth has returned to spring and everything is prosperous, people are getting old; after the commune day every year, the swallows fly back.
Everything is contented when you observe it quietly, and the joy of the four seasons is the same as that of others. ——Cheng Hao's "Autumn Occasionally" Everything in the world is generated by itself. Spring and autumn come and go in the four seasons, and there is growth and withering, which is the same as human beings.
The heaven and the earth are like one horse, and all things are one and the same. ——Master Li Song's "Song of Drunken Righteousness" The heaven and earth are like a galloping horse, and everything happens at the same time.
When I receive all kinds of good things, I feel grateful for the journey of my life. Tao Yuanming's "Return and Return" has realized that the choice now is the right one, but the behavior in the past is the wrong one.
Law gui lv The inevitable, essential, stable and recurring relationship between phenomena in nature and society is rhythmic; it is not the inherent inevitable connection between messy things, and determines the inevitable trend of the development of things. . Laws are objective and independent of human will.
It means neat and regular. There are also laws in Ma Zhe: also known as laws.
The essential connection in the development process of objective things has a universal form. Law and essence are concepts of the same degree.
Objective laws: They are objective and can neither be created nor destroyed; whether people admit it or not, laws always work with iron necessity. Laws = truth: All substances in this world are bound by laws, and they are opposed to each other and related to each other.
Laws and communism: Basic principles: Through the uniqueness of laws, the will of the people of the world is unified, and liberation is achieved through this means. 3. What are the ancient Chinese verses that say that all things have their own laws?
1. When spring comes, all things willows grow, and their leaves are the sorrow of separation. ——Zi Jingyi "Send Gu Qiji off to the North"
When spring comes, everything revives, and in autumn the leaves wither away, which is the sorrow of separation.
2. Everything in the four seasons has its ups and downs, but my sorrow is temporarily removed - Cai Wenji's "Eighteen Beats of Hujia"
Everything in the world has its ups and downs, but my pain is the only one Nothing can be done to drive it away.
3. Everything is spring and people are old alone. After a year, Yan will return. ——Yang Wanli's "Two Poems on Spring and Clear Hometown Begonias"
Although the earth has returned to spring and everything is prosperous, people are getting old; after the commune day every year, the swallows fly back.
4. All things are calm and contented, and the joy of the four seasons is the same as that of others. ——Cheng Hao's "Occasionally Made in Autumn"
Everything in the world is generated by itself. Spring and autumn come and go throughout the four seasons, growing and withering, just like people.
5. Heaven and earth are like one horse, and all things are one and the same. ——Master Li Song's "Drunk Song of Righteousness"
The heaven and the earth are like a galloping horse, and everything exists at the same time.
6. When I receive all kinds of good things, I feel grateful for the journey of my life. Tao Yuanming's "Returning Words"
I have realized that the current choice is correct, but the past behavior is the wrong way.
Law gui lv
The inevitable, essential, stable and recurring relationship between phenomena in nature and society
Rhythmic; not chaotic
The inherent inevitable connection between things determines the inevitable trend of the development of things. Laws are objective and independent of human will.
It means neat and regular. There are also laws in Ma Zhe: also known as laws. The essential connection in the development process of objective things has a universal form. Law and essence are concepts of the same degree. Objectivity laws: They are objective and can neither be created nor destroyed; whether people admit it or not, laws always work with iron necessity. Laws = truth: All substances in this world are bound by laws, and they are opposed to each other and related to each other. Laws and Communism: Basic Principle: Through the uniqueness of laws, the will of the people of the world is unified, and liberation is achieved through this means. 4. What is the meaning of the word "万" in ancient Chinese for "all things"?
The original meaning of the word "万"
Viewpoint 1: Interpretation based on official glyphs. Understand. The word Congyou means Congyu. "艹" originally refers to the lowest plant, and by extension refers to "all living things in the world except humans." "Yu" originally means "an angle between two sides", and by extension means "between time and space". Here, "time" refers to "hundred", "space" refers to "thousands", "time and space" refers to "both sides", and "one angle" refers to "Yu". The combination of "艹" and "禺" means that "from the perspective of time and space, '艹' is all living things living between time and space" and "from the perspective of quantity, '艹' is the quantitative unit after hundreds and thousands." Original meaning: all living things except humans in the time and space structure. Extended meaning: the number of all living things (except humans) in the world. Countless. countless. Escape: The quantity unit after hundreds and thousands, 100 for one hundred, and 10 for one thousand. Explanation: 1. The reason why "fang", the lowest plant, is used to represent all living things in the world except humans is that its quantity is the most representative. 1. The number of grass is extremely large, much more than bamboo and wood; 2. Grass is the habitat of all insects, so its number must be more than the total number of insects. Otherwise, grass will inevitably live among the insects. 3. Grass is at the end of the food chain, and all animals, including herbivores and carnivores, actually ultimately feed on grass. Without grass, there would be no animals. 2. The original meaning of "hundred" refers to "the number of scales divided into day and night", and by extension it refers to "time"; the original meaning of "qian" refers to "people walking on the "Qian" of Qianmo", and by extension it means "walking from north to south", " North-south direction", and further extended to "the space where people stay". "Hundred" defines "time", and "thousand" defines "space" including people. In this way, "heaven" (time), "earth" (space), and "human" (the protagonist of the world) Having all of them means that the basic structure of the "Gaitian" universe model has been established, and then we need to consider giving a "fuck" position to all living things except humans, and this position is "Yu". Point 2: "Wan", as a quantifier, is difficult to create a character. Like "Qian" and "Hundred", it is formed from homonymous characters. According to the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, glyphs and Xiaozhuan glyphs, as well as the explanations in "Shuowen Jiezi", the original meaning of the word "wan" is insect, which is actually the current "迿". "迿" refers to poisonous insects such as scorpions, and the word "wan" The shape of oracle bones, bronze inscriptions, and small seal characters is exactly that of an insect (scorpion) with pincers and a stinging tail. Later, "Wan" was borrowed as a numeral word. In order to distinguish it, and also due to pronunciation differentiation, an ideographic "worm" was added. ", became "迿". Nowadays, thousands of surnames use scorpion as their surname totem, which is a legacy of the original meaning.