"Emperor Taizong personally invaded Liaodong and attacked Bai Yancheng. Li Simo, the right-back general, was shot by random arrows. Emperor Taizong personally drew blood for him to stop the injury, and all the soldiers were moved and encouraged by it.
In the nineteenth year of Emperor Taizong's expedition to Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong marched to Korea, and then to Dingzhou, where he arrived and was comforted by the imperial palace. There was a soldier who was ill and couldn't go in. He was called to the bed to ask about his suffering, but he still asked for medical treatment in Zhangzhou and County. So the soldier gladly went with him, and the army returned to Liucheng, summoned the bones of the dead before and after, set up a sacrifice and came in person. Death without hatred. "Emperor Taizong conquered Liaodong and attacked Bai Yancheng. Li Simo, the right-back general, was involved in the flow, the emperor was sucking blood, and the soldiers were emotional. (Selected from Zhenguan dignitaries as their agents) In the 19th year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong personally marched into North Korea and stationed in Dingzhou. As long as soldiers arrived, Emperor Taizong went to the gatehouse in the north of the city to express his condolences to them. At that time, a soldier and his entourage were seriously ill and could not enter .. The medical staff in the county were ordered to treat him well. Therefore, there is not a soldier who is unwilling to go out with Taizong. The army returned to Liucheng, ordered the collection of the bones of the soldiers who died before and after, and set up a grand memorial hall. Emperor Taizong personally offered sacrifices and mourned for the dead, and all the soldiers in the army shed tears. The soldiers who watched the sacrifice returned to their hometown and told the parents of the deceased. Their parents said, "Our son died, and the son of heaven mourned for him. There's nothing to regret about dying. "Emperor Taizong personally invaded Liaodong and attacked Bai Yancheng. Li Simo, the right-back general, was shot by random arrows. Emperor Taizong personally drew blood for him to stop the injury, and the soldiers were unmoved, which was deeply inspired.