One, saying is one thing, doing is another.
A gentleman is a man, and his words are consistent with his deeds. Therefore, gentlemen will be cautious in their words and deeds, will not talk nonsense, will only say what they can say, and will not talk nonsense if they are unreliable. And the villain is righteous words, eloquent, full of unknown address, not a word of truth. All talk and no practice will only be empty talk.
Second, petty and vindictive.
A gentleman is lenient with others and strict with himself. The villain is narrow-minded, narrow-minded and has no tolerance for others.
Third, be enthusiastic in person and stab in the back.
Treat people with sincerity first. There is a kind of villain, known as the "smiling tiger", who is familiar with everyone and enthusiastic. It seems that after meeting face to face and saying all the good things, he turned around and began to scold his mother, even stabbing you in the back or betraying you.
Fourth, flatter and bully.
A gentleman is an upright, upright and selfless person, who does not flatter or bully. A villain is a person who flatters the superior and bullies the inferior, bullies the weak and fears the hard, and does everything he can to the superior leaders or those who are useful to himself; Arrogance towards subordinates or people who are inferior to themselves.
Fifth, form a party for personal interests, which will oppose differences.
A gentleman is a person who distinguishes between public and private interests, does not practice favoritism and malpractice, and has no prejudice and selfishness towards people and things. The villain is self-centered, gangs and factions, and seeks personal gain. As long as you don't agree with yourself, you will retaliate.
Sixth, Smith.
The higher the status and virtue of a gentleman, the more modest he is, and the more he will find his own shortcomings. On the other hand, villains like to use their position and power to bluff and bully others. The so-called "Wang Yan is easy to find, but the kid is hard to find" refers to this kind of person.
Seven, for personal gain, by hook or by crook.
A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely, but ill-gotten wealth is not desirable. Little people only have themselves and interests in mind. In order to seek personal gain, he can do whatever it takes, lose his conscience and trample on all ethics.
Eight, yang obeys yin, and the heart is different.
A gentleman is what he shows, being outspoken and sincere to others. The villain is duplicitous. On the surface, he obeyed the leader Nuo Nuo and kept his word, but behind his back, he ran counter to the leader everywhere, talking people's words and doing ghosts.
Ninth, when you are down, you can have both.
When a gentleman sees someone in trouble, he must be kind. The villain is a swing, where the wind blows, he falls. Seeing that people are in danger will not only gloat, but also take advantage of people's danger and hit people when they are down.
10. sow discord and gossip.
A gentleman is one with others and can live in harmony with others. I am afraid of chaos in the world, and I like to gossip and sow discord. Once there is a contradiction between others, he will fan the flames and take advantage of the fire to rob.