In Chang 'an in late spring, catkins are flying all over the sky, and the east wind of the Cold Food Festival blows the willow branches of the imperial garden. As night falls, the palace is busy distributing candles, and the light smoke from lighting candles is scattered into the homes of princes and nobles.
Note: Spring City: Chang 'an City in late spring. Cold food: In ancient Tomb-Sweeping Day, fire was forbidden for two days and only cold food was eaten for three days before the festival, so it was called cold food. Imperial willow: willow in the imperial garden, willow in the imperial city. Han Palace: This refers to the palace of the Tang Dynasty. Passing candles: It is forbidden to light a fire during the Cold Food Festival, but dignitaries and slaves can get gifts from the emperor and get candles to burn.
Five Marquis: Wang Tan, Wang Shang, Wang Li, Wang Gen and Wang Wu were named the Empresses of Han Dynasty, all of whom were Marquis and received special treatment. Here generally refers to the close minister of the son of heaven.
Abstract: Cold Food is a poem written by Han Yi, a poet in Tang Dynasty. The whole poem describes the beauty of the Cold Food Festival and the story of the royal family's routine of "passing candles to give thanks" on this festival, which saves the scenery and is euphemistic.
This poem is good at selecting typical themes and quoting appropriate allusions to satirize the corruption of the exclusive rights of consorts. Although the style of writing is exquisite, readers can still understand the theme of the poem under the hint of historical allusions and the confirmation of the social situation in the middle Tang Dynasty.
The first two sentences are "Spring City is full of flowers". "Spring City" refers to Chang 'an, the capital of spring. "Flying flowers", that is, petals fall in succession, indicating the late spring season. "Everywhere" constitutes affirmation with double negation, and then writes the charming spring scenery of the whole Chang 'an Liu Xufei. "Cold Food: Dongfeng Liuxie" is about the scenery in the palace garden.
"Imperial willow" refers to the willow in the imperial garden. At that time, it was a custom to break the willow door during the Cold Food Festival, and on Qingming Day, the emperor also issued a decree to give the fire of elm willow as a gift to the recent minister to show his favor. Therefore, the poet deliberately cut out the "imperial willow" fluttering in the wind in the infinite spring.
The last two sentences, "Candles are passed in the Han Palace at dusk, and light smoke is scattered into Wuhou House." Here, the Han Dynasty is used as a metaphor for the Tang Dynasty, alluding to eunuchs who have been favored by the emperor since the middle Tang Dynasty. These two sentences mean that no family can make a fire during the Cold Food Festival.