Join the army, two songs, facing the night.
There is a great famine at night, and the north wind returns to worry. Li Yu in Pingsha Bay, where birds stay. Lu rode a horse and hunted Changyuan to the river. When the white grass is shaken, the ocean air produces yellow fog. Hundreds of battles and hardships, ten years of frost and dew. Although I threw a long pen, I didn't sit on an ordinary tree. If I knew it was difficult to go, I would regret ignoring these chapters. Autumn grass is light and horseshoe is sharp. To fight for the Dragon City, just as Hu Bing attacked. The army is in a wild state and the war will enter the day. Changfeng gold encouraged, white dew iron clothes wet. Four mournful sounds, the south courtyard stands. The broken canopy rotates alone, and the cold goose Qi Fei. Wan Liyun is windy and dusty, and the plains are frozen. I just heard that Han asked me to return, and I cried at the knife ring alone.
When a general goes to war, the day is dark.
With golden armor on three sides, Khan goes forward bravely.