The whole sentence is, I am determined to learn nine times out of ten, stand at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen at sixty, and walk at seventy without overstepping the bounds.
It means that at the age of fifteen, I am determined to study, and at the age of thirty, I can stand on my own feet in the world. Forty years old, no longer confused about things. At the age of fifty, I learned what is beyond human control. Sixty years old, I can listen to different opinions. At the age of seventy, you can do whatever you want without overstepping the bounds.
brief introduction
From the twelve chapters of Confucius' The Analects of Confucius, Confucius said that standing at 30 does not mean getting married, but a conscious or relative consciousness based on a clear understanding of society and oneself, which is an awakening of self-cognition.
People over forty should not be easily tempted by the outside world. If you are still confused by foreign objects, please tell yourself in the year of no confusion that you should be steady and steady, focus on the foundation and have correct values.
By the age of 50, you should know yourself thoroughly, be a "let yourself go" person, stop complaining about others, and live in the present with ease.
60 and obedient, how many people can do it, how many people can hear the truth from the ugly words. Listening to the ear is a higher level.
By the age of seventy, I learned to do whatever I want, but I won't violate social rules, because I have realized that law, law, morality and morality are not constraints, but protection for myself.