1. "Autumn Evening at Taihu Lake" by Wang Changling, the water is misty and rainy and cold, and the frost is falling in the Dongting. The moonlight moves the boat away, and the night is quiet and the dream soul returns. I secretly feel the grace of the sea, and hear the wild geese flying. Translation: Staying on a small boat in Taihu Lake. Under the moonlight, the boat moves slowly on the water. The night was so quiet, there was a chill on the lake, and a layer of frost fell on Dongting Mountain. It felt like sleep but not sleep, like a dream but not a dream. I could faintly feel the sea breeze blowing by, and heard the sound of wild geese flying south in the distance.
2. "Dian Jiang Lip·Ding Weidong Passed by Wu Song" Jiang Kui swallowed wild geese unintentionally, and followed the clouds to the west bank of Taihu Lake. The number of peaks is pure and bitter. Shanglue rains at dusk. Beside the fourth bridge, it is intended that Tian Sui live. What's going on today? Pinglan is nostalgic for the past. The remaining willows dance unevenly. Translation: The swan geese in the north are leisurely and carefree, floating with the white clouds from the west bank of Taihu Lake. Several lonely peaks are bleak and sad, as if they are considering whether it will rain at dusk. I really want to live in seclusion with Tian Suizi by the Fourth Bridge. But where is he now? I leaned on the railing alone and remembered the past, and saw the decaying willows fluttering in the wind.