First, the language "The Analects of Confucius Xianwen" (14~35): Confucius said: "Don't know my husband!" Zi Gong said, "Where is its ignorance?" Confucius said, "I don't complain about heaven, I don't care about people." If you go to school and get there, you will know me! "
Confucius said, "No one knows me!" Zi Gong said, "How can you say that no one knows you?" Confucius said: "I don't complain about heaven or people." I study etiquette and music to complete my mission. Only God knows me! "
Second, the language "Mencius". Gong Sunchou: "When Mencius went to Qi, he asked:' Master, if you are not prepared. The day before yesterday, I heard from the masters that a gentleman doesn't complain about heaven or care about people. "
Mencius left the state of Qi. On the way, Yu Chong asked,' Mr. Wang seems a little unhappy. I used to hear you say that a gentleman doesn't complain. Why today? "