In a hurry, at a loss, clumsy
I also have English teaching:
There are many phrases in English that consist of the names of human limbs. We once introduced you to a phrase containing thumb. Do you remember? By the way, this phrase is have a green thumb, which means those who are good at taking care of flowers and plants. Today we will introduce another phrase that contains the thumb: all thumbs. Literally means "clumsy", but what does it actually mean? Think about it, is our thumb the most clumsy and inflexible of all fingers? By the way, one of them is no longer working. If all fingers are as inflexible as thumbs, are people all clumsy at work? So this phrase is often used to describe those who are all thumbs. Look at the following sentences and feel the meaning of this phrase.
When some people can't operate some tools, others always complain that they are clumsy.
When people can't operate some tools, others always complain that they are clumsy. )
All thumbs is an adjective phrase, the original meaning is "because people need to use their fingers to do some fine work, but their fingers are not flexible, so it is very difficult to do it, or even unable to finish the work." If you say something is all thumbs, you mean that he or she can't do some little caring things that he or she has to do with his or her fingers. Now people directly use this phrase to describe people's clumsy behavior.
My grandfather is all thumbs. He can't walk fast, and he can't even catch his bowl.
My grandfather is all thumbs. He can't walk fast enough to hold his own bowl. )
Note that this phrase is often written as all fingers and thumbs, which means exactly the same as all thumbs.
It is good to be inflexible, at least people will not be the first to suspect that they are shoplifters. The English expression of shoplifter also includes a body name, but it is no longer a thumb, but a finger. Let's see how the following sentence describes the pickpocket:
Be careful, Jane. I heard that guy has dirty hands and feet. All his friends look down on him.
Be careful, Jane. I heard that guy likes stealing. All his friends look down on him. )
The phrase have Sticky fingers here means "stealing", and we usually translate it as "dirty hands and feet". Sticky is an adjective meaning "sticky", so the phrase have sticky fingers literally means "sticky fingers". If people steal, their fingers are sticky, and they will take other people's things. It can be seen from this that it is very appropriate to describe those who are dirty and like to steal. If someone has dirty hands and feet, he or she is likely to steal. For example:
"Although I was very careful, I still missed my watch at the party. Someone here has dirty hands and feet! " I complained when I left the party.
Although I was careful, I lost my watch at the party. People here really like stealing. "I complained when I walked out of the party. )
Summary: In real life, some people seem to be "clumsy", but they do things quickly. On some occasions, if they steal (hands and feet are not clean), many times people will not find out. We must be alert to these people.