Along the way, we are different from each other, the old man to Huang Tong. River wind is to sea fog, shepherd is to fisherman. Xiang Yan is poor, Ruan Tu is poor, and northern Hebei faces Liaodong. The pool is full of water and the wind is blowing outside the door. Emperor Liang gave lectures in Tongtai Hall, and Emperor Han bought wine in Weiyang Palace. Worried by dust, lazy to caress the seven strings of green yee. Frost is full of temples, shame to see bronze.
The temperament of an enlightenment writer
Che Wan Yu, from 1632 to 1705, was born in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, with the word "Shuangting", the word "one word three" and the number "Hotan". In the second year of Kangxi, he followed his brother's provincial examination in northern Anhui and took Huguang. In the third year of Kangxi, 84 Jinshi were selected from the top three, and Jishi Shu was selected, and the museum was changed to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the soldiers were transferred to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.