Xuan Jing asked his minister, "I heard that all governors in the Central Plains are afraid of Chu's sympathy. Is this really the case? " None of the ministers can answer. Jiang Yi replied, "Tigers look for all kinds of wild animals to eat. After catching a fox, the fox said to the tiger, "You shouldn't eat me." . God sent me to be the leader of all animals. If you eat me, it's against God's command. If you don't believe me, I'll go ahead and you follow me. "See if any animals dare not run away when they see me," the tiger believed it and left with the fox. When the animals saw the tiger, they all ran away. Tigers don't know that animals are afraid of themselves, but they think they are afraid of foxes. At present, the territory of the King of Qi is 5,000 Li, with an army of 1 million, but T-shirts monopolize power. Therefore, the northern governors were afraid of Zhao Xi's shirt. In fact, they were afraid of the king's army, just as wild animals were afraid of tigers. "
2. Read classical Chinese: Why don't animals get lost? The first issue of Russian Summary Weekly (65438+ 10/9) Title: Lost. A famous company that develops location maps once conducted a public opinion survey, wondering how many people can tell the direction in a strange place.
12500 people from 13 countries participated in the answer. The researchers found that a quarter of people can't find the right direction without special instruments, and many people admit that they need to use some external signs to judge the direction.
Only 7% said that they can always find the way they need. At the same time, most people who fill in the form think that the ability of orientation discrimination is a natural and rare ability.
Is that really the case? Scientists looking for a "biological compass" have long begun to study whether people have the talent to tell directions. Some people in ancient Greece thought that since homing pigeons can find their way home accurately, why not go? There have been many cases where cats and dogs have successfully found their owners hundreds of kilometers away from home.
Migratory birds migrate thousands of kilometers back and forth every year, and the flight route remains unchanged all the year round! By placing a marker ring on the bird system, it is also found that some birds can successfully return to their ancestral habitat again and again. All these observations lead people to conclude that animals have some kind of "instrument" similar to a compass or a navigator, which can help them determine their position accurately.
This kind of "instrument" is called "biological compass". The question that has been puzzling scientists for many years is how this "biological compass" works.
There have been more than 30 statements. 1975, Richard Beckmore, a researcher at the University of Massachusetts in the United States, discovered a group of microorganisms that can move accurately to the North Pole.
These microorganisms living in animals contain trace magnets. This ingredient was later found in many animals.
Pigeons also contain this element in their bellies. Of course, scientists have also studied people.
Results This kind of magnet was also found in the gray matter of human brain. Scientists therefore believe that this magnet is the secret of the "biological compass".
However, this statement has not been confirmed, and all the research remains on paper. The attempt to copy this compass technically ended in failure.
However, this is no longer necessary, because people have invented a magnetic compass with pointer and azimuth scale. Moreover, the statement that animals and people can determine their orientation because of the existence of magnetic poles itself has aroused strong opposition.
Gennady Shvetsov, an engineering physicist and now an associate professor of biology, is also one of those who are "dissatisfied" with the magnetic field theory. Through long-term research, he came to the conclusion that if animals can tell the direction according to the magnetic poles like simple topographic survey instruments, the world will be in chaos.
He said: "Imagine that if an animal has a compass in its brain or somewhere that can sense the earth's magnetic field, and this bird flies to an abnormal magnetic field area or other cities with a lot of electromagnetic fields, it will definitely get dizzy." This idea forces biologists to explore the working principle of biological compass in other ways.
Interpretation of "Positioning Function" Shvetsov's research begins with the assumption that only creatures that frequently move in a certain space need the directional ability of this space. He said: "If a creature grows in a fixed place and doesn't need to move, it doesn't really need to know the direction.
You only need a compass when you need to go from point A to point B. In other words, you only need to start the orientation system when you move. "
After studying the way animals move, biologists have come to a conclusion that all animals move in waves or cycles. Fish wags its tail, birds flap its wings, and dogs and cats rely on their claws. They all move in waves, not in a straight line.
Shvetsov explained: "For example, if you are on a trolley bus, you will stop and walk for a while, and your body will unconsciously move back and forth with inertia. This is true when walking, running or flying. "
After a series of experiments and calculations, Shvetsov found that when an animal moves, there will be some kind of force field around it. This force field is formed under the interaction of circular motion and near-earth space, that is, the earth's gravity and day and night alternation.
This force will "shake" the animal's body like an invisible hand. The main problem left now is to find out how animals organize their "positioning function".
Therefore, it is necessary to find a special organ in animals to record and interpret physical field information. It didn't take much effort to find it This is the animal's vestibule, which is the so-called "biological compass".
It is much higher than the magnetic compass in angle, accuracy and stability. No magnetic field or other obstacles will have any influence on it.
Further research shows that digital information enters the animal brain from vestibular organs through nerves-unique "wires". Shvetsov believes that real maps are stored in the "gray matter" of animals.
This kind of map is essentially like the ordinary positioning map used by the global positioning machine. The only difference is that animals have no concept of "mistake" or "no", and everything is exactly the same.
Most importantly, storms, high-voltage power lines and abnormal magnetic fields will not affect their work as "navigators". Moreover, all these "biological instruments" with maps will be handed down from generation to generation, that is to say, future generations are born with this ability and do not need to learn.
People don't have a biological compass. The next question is, is man's ability to tell directions just like that of animals? Just develop your own abilities? But Shvetsov's answer is totally negative. He said: "Unfortunately, people are born without this function, and people are born without a' biological compass'.
People's sense of direction is conscious, while animals are unconscious. "Some people have a strong sense of direction, while others are weak.
Shvetsov explained that this is normal, just like some people learn math well and some people don't. For example, some people are naturally good at painting, and the ability to distinguish directions also belongs to this talent.
Shvetsov believes that people can judge the direction by some external signs, such as the position of the sun and the moon, fresh moss on rocks or trees, etc. Although people, like any animal, will form a force field around them when they exercise, and all parts of the "biological compass" are in the human body, this system does not work for people.
He thinks: "This is the design of nature." .
3. The Story of Touching Animals in Classical Chinese During the Wu Dynasty, Li Xinchun, a native of Jin 'an, Xiangyang, was drunk on the grass outside the city. The right hunter set fire to it, and the fire came with the wind. Those people whose dogs are called "black dragons" get wet in the stream every week and sprinkle them where Li sleeps, thus avoiding big trouble; The dog was exhausted from running back and forth. Li Xing was enlightened and wept for it. The satrap was sympathetic and buried with coffins and clothes. There is a dog burial in Houjina, which is more than ten feet high. See Jin Gan Bao's Seeking God, Volume 20.
In Zhoucun, Jia has a business in Wuhu, and he has invested a lot. He rented a boat and came back. He saw a butcher tying a dog to the river bank, so he redeemed it at double the price and kept it on the boat. The ship was full of bandits, peeping at the guests' costumes, rowing into the wild and trying to kill people. Ai Jia gave him a whole body, but the thief was wrapped in a blanket and thrown into the river. The dog saw it and cried and jumped into the water; Mouth wrapped, * * * ups and downs. I don't know how many miles to wander, but it's only a short stay. The dog swam out and went to find someone. The wolf cried sadly. Or think differently, from it, I saw the felt tied in the water, which caused its rope to break. He began to express his feelings before the guests died. After mourning, the boat people will return to Wuhu, and they will return to the stolen boat. I'm very sorry for losing my dog when I got on the boat. After three or four days at the customs, it was estimated that it was like a forest, but the stolen ship was gone. A fellow appraiser came home with him, and suddenly the dog came, watching the guest howl, but told him to leave. Guests disembark and make good use of it. The dog hit the boat and bit the calf, which made people puzzled. If the guest is close to him, he will get ahead of him. Clothes and boats are easy, so you can't recognize them. Bound and searched, and then wrapped in gold, alas! The villain is also grateful, the world is ruthless, and the villain is also ashamed of it! A strange story from a strange studio
4. The short and pithy animal fable comes from Liu Xiang's Talking about Gardens and Congs.
Owls will migrate eastward.
The owl met the pigeon. The dove said, "My son will be safe." The owl said, "I will move eastward." The dove said, "Why?" The owl said, "All the villagers hate my singing, so they moved eastward." The dove said, "It doesn't matter if my son can sing louder. He moved east when he couldn't sing. "
The owl met the turtledove, who asked him, "Where are you going?"
The owl said, "I want to move to the east."
Turtledove asked, "Why?"
The owl said, "everyone in the village hates my cry, so I want to move to the east."
Turtledove said, "You can call it another name. If you can't change your crying, even if you move to the east, people in the east village will still hate you. " . . .
Explain that this fable warns people that they should fundamentally solve their major shortcomings and some major problems, and they can't talk about things and avoid contradictions like owls moving. Such a problem cannot be solved.
5. The classical Chinese reading of Mushu (1) is selected from Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio. Author Pu Songling, born in Zichuan (now Zibo, Shandong), was a writer in Qing Dynasty. Shepherd, shepherd boy; Vertical, boy servant. (2) Try to catch a wolf: discuss that everyone should catch a wolf. (3) walk: distance. (4) Lost children in the cave: I entered the nest and found that I lost two little wolves. (5) worry: worry. (6) Hao: the cry of the wolf. (7)No. (háo) and crawling: while shouting loudly, grab trees. (8) to: make. (9) Look around: Look around. (10).( 1 1) Go: Go quickly, which means "run" (12). Leave this little wolf and run to that little wolf. (13) Run (páo): Like "planing", the beast uses its front paws to plane the ground. (14) The former tree barks again: the wolf in the former tree barks again. (15) Endless mouth, endless toes: endless mouth and endless feet. (16) Now: Soon. (17) Dying: weak breathing. (18) Stiff: Stiff. (19) Absolute: Absolute.
Edit the translation of this paragraph.
Two shepherds went into the mountains and found the wolf's den. There are two little wolves in the hole. Everyone agreed that everyone should catch a wolf and climb a tree at intervals of dozens of steps. After a while, the wolf came back and looked scared. The shepherd boy twisted the little wolf's hooves and ears in the tree to make him cry on purpose. When the wolf heard this, he raised his head and ran angrily under the tree, clawing at the bark while barking. At this time, another shepherd boy did the same thing in another tree, making the little wolf howl. The big wolf stopped barking, looked around and found the little wolf; So regardless of the wolf cubs here, he ran to another tree and screamed and scratched like just now. The shepherd boy on the first tree made the little wolf cry again, and the big wolf turned and jumped at him. The wolf kept howling in his mouth and running at his feet. So he ran back and forth dozens of times, and his voice became slower and smaller. After a while, the wolf was dying and did not move for a long time. The shepherd boy climbed down from the tree and looked at it carefully. The wolf is dead. Revelation: For the bad guys like wolves, we should dare to fight and be good at fighting. From the point of view of caring for animals, the behavior of two shepherds is a prank. It's too cruel to advocate.
Edit the reading tips of this paragraph.
This short story is a concise and vivid model. In less than 200 words, the wisdom and courage of the shepherd boy and the urgency and fatigue of the wolf are vividly portrayed, giving people an immersive feeling. Although the wolf is a ferocious animal, its maternal love is touching. It's cruel for two shepherds to use the wolf's maternal instinct to kill the wolf. Maternal love is always great, whether it is human or animal. This article tells the story of two shepherds catching a little wolf and getting rid of a big wolf, showing the wit and courage of the two shepherds. What two points in this article show the wit of the shepherd boy? 1. Catch wolves and climb trees separately. 2. Let the little wolf bark and the big wolf run back and forth.
1/2 and 3/4 have the same meaning.
6. There are no donkeys in the full text of classical Chinese, but there are good people on board. At best, it's useless Let it go down the mountain. When the tiger saw it, he thought it was a monster and a god, hiding in the forest. Come any closer, you are so angry that you don't even know each other.
One day, the donkey will bark and the tiger will be frightened and far away; I thought I ate myself. I was scared. However, when you watch it, you will feel that you are omnipotent; I learned its sound, and I was close to it, but I was afraid to fight. Closer, favorable, swaying, rushing.
The donkey won't get angry, but it can walk.
The tiger was very happy and said, "Stop it!" " For jumping? Cut his throat, do his best, and go.
There are no donkeys in this place in Guizhou. People who like to be lively brought a donkey by ship, but it was useless after being shipped, so it was put at the foot of the mountain. A tiger saw it and thought it was a tall and strong guy. He thought it was a magical thing, hiding in the Woods and peeking at it. After a while, I gradually approached it, carefully, not knowing what it was.
One day, the donkey barked, and the tiger ran away in surprise. I thought it would bite myself, and I was very scared. But looking back and forth, I feel that it has no special skills; I gradually got used to its sound, so I approached it again, but I didn't dare to attack it after all. The tiger gradually approached the donkey, further teasing it, bumping it, approaching it, bumping it and offending it. The donkey couldn't help getting angry and kicked the tiger with his hoof. The tiger was so happy that he thought for a moment and said, "That's all the donkey can do!" " "So he jumped up and roared loudly, bit the donkey's throat and ate up its meat before leaving.
Alas! The donkey is huge, looks very resourceful, has a loud voice and looks very capable. If you don't expose your weaknesses, the tiger, though fierce, is afraid to attack because of doubt and fear. What a sad ending!
7. Orangutans are addicted to alcohol. Orangutans are an animal that likes drinking water. At the foot of the mountain, people put down flagons full of sweet wine, with large and small wine glasses beside them, and made up many straw sandals, hooked them up and put them on the roadside. As soon as the orangutans saw it, they knew they had been cheated. They even know the names of the people who set these traps and their parents and ancestors, so they scold them one by one. But soon after the scolding, some orangutans said to their companions, "Why not have a taste?" But be careful not to drink too much! "So they picked up small cups and drank together. After drinking, he cursed and threw away the cup. But after a while, they picked up a bigger cup to drink, drank the wine, scolded it and threw it away. Repeatedly, my lips are so sweet that I can't help it anymore. They simply picked up the biggest cup and drank it, forgetting that they would get drunk. Blink when you are drunk, play together and put on sandals. At this time, people at the foot of the mountain ran out to chase them. They were wearing sandals and couldn't run. They were all caught in a mess. Orangutans are smart and know that they hate the temptation of others, but they will die in the end, which is all caused by greed (satisfaction).
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8. Squirrel composition reading answer Fourth grade squirrel reading answer
Squirrel is a beautiful little animal, docile and clever, very pleasing.
(2) Their faces are comely, their eyes are bright, their bodies are vigorous, their limbs are brisk, and they are very agile and alert. Delicate little face, lined with a hat-a beautiful tassel tail, looks particularly beautiful; The tail always sticks up to the top of the head, and the body hides under the tail to enjoy the cool. They often sit upright, like people, with their hands and their front paws to send food to their mouths. It can be said that squirrels are the least like quadrupeds.
Squirrels don't hide underground. They often move high, live in trees like birds, run around in the Woods and jump from tree to tree. They build nests in trees, pick fruits and drink dew. Only when trees are blown too hard by the wind can they fall to the ground. Squirrels can't be found in the fields and plains. They never go near people's houses or stay in small bushes. They only like big Woods and live in tall trees. On a mysterious summer night, squirrels can be heard jumping and screaming in the trees, chasing each other. They seem to be afraid of strong sunlight. They hide in their nests during the day and come out at night to practice running, playing and eating. Although they catch birds, they are not carnivores. They often eat almonds, hazelnuts, beeches and oak chestnuts.
1. The three words that can best summarize the characteristics of squirrels in the first paragraph are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2. The main reason for saying that "squirrels are the least like quadrupeds" is ()
Their tails are always up.
They are very agile and alert.
They feed their mouths with their front paws.
They often sit upright.
Summarize the meaning of the third paragraph in your own words.
Reference answer:
1. Beautiful, docile and intelligent.
3. Write down the range of activities, time, main food and feeding habits of squirrels.
9. Answer 8 to the essay "Smart Dog". In the second section, I wrote that the survival of wild animals is difficult. what is the purpose?
9. The article says that dogs see a bigger world than wild animals. Can you talk about what the dog saw in combination with the article?
10. Why are dogs smart? (Answer with the words in the text)
1 1. Can you sum up where dogs are smart?
12. What weaknesses can you see from the article?
13. Do you think the topic has another meaning? Tell me about your understanding of the topic.
14. Find two sentences that you find humorous.
Reference answer:
8. In sharp contrast to the dog's safe living environment and superior treatment, it highlights the dog's "intelligence".
9. Eat meat, take a bath, walk around, enjoy the services provided by people, have children, have a caesarean section, live in a luxury villa and take a luxury car.
10, because it "seems to take refuge in people and become slaves of human beings; In fact, on the other hand, it can also be said that people are being used, and they have a thorough understanding of their weaknesses, and people are willing to be their servants. "
1 1, play the fool, be full of energy, and always follow the master.
12, if you cater to it, someone will trust you, and your vanity will rise.
13, the intelligence of dogs is actually the stupidity of people to some extent. 14, omitted
10. Reading and Answers of Explanatory Articles on Animals) Read the article "The Contribution of Flies" by Kong Mingyu and complete 12~ 14 (8 points).
The flies that everyone shouted at made great contributions to mankind. ?
A fly has no nose, but its sense of smell is very sensitive. It turns out that the fly has a pair of antennae on its head, which are the olfactory receptors of the fly. Each nose has only one nostril connected with the outside world and contains hundreds of olfactory nerve cells. If a smell enters the nostril, these nerves will immediately convert the smell into nerve electrical impulses and transmit them to the brain, and the brain can distinguish substances with different smells according to the different nerve electrical impulses generated by substances with different smells. According to the characteristics and structure of the olfactory organ of flies, scientists connected a very fine microelectrode to the olfactory nerve of flies, amplified the guided neuroelectric signals through electronic circuits and sent them to the analyzer, and copied a strange small gas analyzer, which was installed in the cockpit of the spacecraft, used to analyze gas components, also used to measure toxic gases in submarines and mines, and also used to improve the computer input device and gas color image analyzer. ?
Flies have a pair of wings behind them and are natural navigators. (2) When a fly flies, its wings vibrate at a frequency of 330 times per second to keep the fly on the route. (3) Once the insect body of the fly tilts, pitches or deviates from the course, the change of the vibration plane of its wings will be felt by the receptors at its base and reported to the brain. (4) After analysis, the brain commands the muscles concerned to correct the deviated course. According to the navigation principle of fly wings, scientists have successfully copied a vibrating gyroscope. ⑥ Its main component is like a tuning fork, which is fixed on the base through a central column. The electromagnet installed around the tuning fork makes the tuning fork vibrate at a fixed amplitude and frequency. ⑦ When the plane, ship and rocket deviate from the correct course, the tuning fork base and the center column will rotate, and the elastic rod on the center column will convert this vibration into a certain electrical signal and transmit it to the steering rudder, so the course will be corrected. ?
Flies also have a pair of peculiar honeycomb eyes bigger than their heads-compound eyes. Scientists have developed a "compound eye camera" according to the structure of compound eyes. Its lens consists of 1329 small lenses, and it can take 1329 same photos at a time, with a resolution as high as 4000 lines per cm. Imitating the structure of compound eye, an optical velocimeter which can measure the rotational speed is also developed. ?
In today's scientific development, as long as we are good at discovering and exploring, even flies, one of the "four pests", can become valuable resources for human beings. (selected from Metal World No.3, 200 1, with deletion)?
Related links?
Material 1: American researchers studied the functions of 20 different muscles distributed on the wings of flies, and made a semi-autonomous flying robot fly, which can be tied to a thin thread. Robot flies weigh only 100 mg and are less than 3 cm tall. Can fly 100 meters above, almost invisible to the naked eye. It can take extremely clear photos and send them back. It is a veritable "super spy." ?
Material 2: The secretion of flies contains a special defense functional substance-antibacterial active protein, which can kill all kinds of pathogenic bacteria quickly as long as the concentration is one ten thousandth. Scientists have isolated antibacterial peptides and a special protein-lectin from fly maggots, which have strong bactericidal effect and are non-toxic to normal cells, and can effectively interfere with tumors in mammals, making tumor cells shrink first and then slowly disappear. ?
Material 3: protein content of fly maggots is very high, and protein extracted from fly maggots is used in food industry, fermentation industry, rubber industry, etc. The extracted amino acids can be used as drugs to treat some diseases caused by amino acid deficiency, and can also be processed into health food, food fortifier and cosmetics. Fly maggots are directly processed into protein active powder, which has the functions of anti-fatigue, anti-radiation, delaying aging, protecting liver and enhancing immunity. Chitin can be extracted from the epidermis and pupa shell of fly maggots. Chitin is a natural bioactive substance containing ammonia polysaccharide, which is widely used in many high-tech fields such as industry, medicine, food, daily chemical, national defense, environmental protection, agriculture and so on. ?
12. The third paragraph of the text can be divided into two layers. The second layer, from the sentence to the end of the paragraph, gives a brief introduction.
(2 points)?
13. Read the text and "related links" and list the main contributions of flies to science. (Write at least 3 points) (3 points)
14. "In today's increasingly developed science, as long as we are good at discovering and exploring, even flies, one of the' four pests', can become valuable resources for human beings." The revelation for you is (3 points):