There are herbs that can be cured, so they sent fairies to the ridge to find them. Because I met a macaque; Frightened, he fell into a mountain stream and was rescued by a young local hunter. In order to repay the young man for saving his life, Miss Approximate missed life on earth. They fell in love and got married. One day, they went hunting and collecting herbs in the mountains. Miss approximate met a bad guy at the top of the mountain and tried to take her away. The girl refused and asked Fu Lang for help at the northern foot of the mountain. At the critical moment, the bad guys killed Miss Approximate. Then he shot down the husband of the golden girl who came running with a bow and arrow. In a blink of an eye, the couple turned into two strange stones, namely the outstretched arm lang and the pneumatic stone. The loving couple who turned to stone, one at the top of the mountain and the other at the foot of the mountain, have been stretching their arms for thousands of years, nodding their heads to show their loyal and unyielding love.
Another way of saying it is: there are 3650 stones hiding dragons and crouching tigers at the foot of Tongguling Mountain. They used to be sheep with only life. That pneumatic stone is the condescending "shepherdess". One day, the emperor went out on patrol and saw a beautiful picture of shepherding. I love it very much, but I'm afraid it will disappear, so I asked Lei Gong to drop lightning and split it into this picture of a shepherd forever. Today, Tongguling is rich in pasture and sheep are everywhere, just like a living "sheep grazing map".