In the summer of 542 BC, Duke Xiang of Lu died. The month after Xianggong's death, Zheng's son accompanied him to the State of Jin. Because Duke Xiang of Lu died, and because both Jin and Lu are descendants, I was very sad and didn't receive him. The reception below was also slow, the guest house was too small and the door was too narrow, so the property tore down the wall and drove the horses and chariots in. Fan Lai, a Confucian scholar in the State of Jin, scolded him, but Zi Chan scolded him. Zi Chan said, "When Jin Wengong and Zhong Er were emperors, they treated princes and envoys with great enthusiasm. This building is like a palace, which makes people feel very comfortable, just like at home. No thieves or disasters, the house is clean, not wet or dirty. But now ... "After these words reached Jin Pinggong's ears, he apologized to Zi Chan and expanded his scope.
The phrase "feel at home" came from this and is now used to describe the host's hospitality and thoughtfulness.