Tian Yang said: I saw two mice come out, and one of them was swallowed by a snake; Staring like peppers, one by one, like hate and anger, but afraid to look forward. Snake belly, winding into the hole; Halfway through, the mouse came running and bit its tail. The snake was very angry and stepped back. It is convenient for the mouse to die, so it is easy to escape. The snake couldn't catch up with it and came back. The mouse got into the hole again and chewed as before. When the snake comes in, it comes, and when the snake comes out, it goes. If so, it will last for a long time. When a snake comes out, it spits a dead mouse on the ground. Rats smell it, chirp like sorrow, and take it away. My friend Zhang Liyou wrote The Walking of the Rat of Justice.
Yang Tianyi said: I once saw two mice coming out of the hole. One was swallowed by a snake, and the other stared like a pepper, very angry and hateful, but it just stared into the distance and dared not move forward. When the snake is full, it winds its way into the cave. Just halfway up, the mouse pounced and bit the snake's tail hard. The snake was very angry and hurried out of the hole. The mouse was very clever and agile, so it ran away quickly. The snake couldn't catch up and got into the hole again. The mouse ran back and bit it like last time. In this way, the snake bit the mouse and the snake ran out of the mouse. It has been repeated many times. Finally, the snake climbed out of the hole and spit the dead mouse on the ground. The mouse gave up. It sniffed at its companion, squeaked and whined. Then he left with a dead mouse in his mouth. My friend Zhang Liyou wrote an article "Walking on Rats" for this purpose.