2. Sometimes, when there are few people, it will be helpful to try the big straight road without cars, change lanes unscrupulously and brake suddenly. Actually, it's right to change lanes carefully. Even today, when the traffic is heavy, especially when driving in the city is complicated, I am cautious, but I dare not. The premise is to observe more and observe more three mirrors to ensure that I can change lanes when I look back at the rear window when I change lanes.
3. Now the frequency of observing the three-sided mirror is quite high, almost to make sure that there is no abnormality ahead. This habit has been around for many years. Now you can basically know what cars are around, where they are, whether some cars are driving fast, you need to look back at the side window and so on. When the information about the surrounding roads and vehicles often comes into your mind, you will have a general understanding of the surrounding situation and force yourself to get used to it.