In the Book of Songs, there is a saying of "banquet", and the word "banquet" means wine. The Book of Rites, which describes the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, said: "Set up a banquet, Chen Zunzu, and set up beans." At this time, the banquet also contains the meaning of a grand and formal banquet. In this sense, the word "banquet" was used, and later it specifically referred to banquet.
2. Eating a banquet means that when there is a wedding or funeral in the village, the villagers will consciously pay there and then go to the victim's house to eat a banquet. You can pay attention to the money, not just the owner, but the invited Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang Guan will write down the account books truthfully for the owner's record. Afterwards, the host will know whose family has many members, so that if something happens to that family, just hand over the money.
Once a funeral happens, neighbors will feel sorry for the dead, even sad. I came to the victim's home full of sadness and sympathy. Men enter the mourning hall and silently bow and burn paper; As soon as the women knelt before the spirit, they burst into tears and said, "My third uncle, er, or my fifth aunt, er, you don't care about me. I don't have any pain. I waited for my family next to me to help me get up, so I stopped to burn some paper. " Then pay at the cashier and eat according to the procedure.
Eating in rural areas has recently developed into restaurants, and more and more people go to restaurants. Because money is no longer the weakness of farmers, there is no need to worry, and the host has done everything like weddings very decently, and both men and women, relatives and friends are very satisfied. Why not?
Eating a mat has a bright future.