The poet Pushkin has a famous poem "Everything will end, everything will pass, and that paragraph is our nostalgia". What are the exact words?

If life cheats you.


If life deceives you,

Don't be sad, don't be impatient.

Melancholy days need peace.

Believe it! Happy days will come.

My heart always yearns for the future,

I am often depressed now.

Everything is an instant,

Everything will pass,

The past will be a beautiful memory.

original text

Если жизнь тебя обманет,

Не печалься,не сердись!

В день уныния смирись:

День веселья,верь,настанет.

Сердце в будущем живет;

Настоящее уныло:

Все мгновенно,все пройдет;

Что пройдет,то будет мило.