Wang Chun [Tang] Du Fu
Chang' an fell, the country was broken, and only the mountains and rivers remained; Spring has come, and the sparsely populated Chang' an city is densely forested. Sad state, can not help but burst into tears, amazing birds, leaving sorrow and hate.
The war lasted for more than half a year, and letters from home were rare, with a hundred thousand gold. Twisting with melancholy, scratching my head and thinking, the more I scratch my white hair, I can hardly insert a hairpin.
Anti-Yuan in the Late Song Dynasty
Wen Tianxiang's Crossing the Zero Ocean
Once the effort comes, there will be fewer stars around. The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is floating, and life experiences are ups and downs.
The beach of fear says fear, and there is a sigh in the ocean. Since ancient times, no one has died in life, leaving a heart that shines through history.