Alluding to "living near the Huanjiang River, the land is low and humid, and yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow around the house."
The Xunyang River sees off guests on the first night, and the maple leaves and dill flowers rustle in autumn. The master dismounted and was on board the boat. He wanted to drink wine, but there was no orchestra. It's too late to be drunk and happy to say goodbye. When we say goodbye, the vast river is soaked in the moon. Suddenly I heard the sound of pipa playing on the water, and the host forgot to return home. Who is asking secretly? The sound of the pipa stopped and it was too late to speak. Move the boat closer to invite us to meet each other, add wine, turn back the lights, and resume the banquet. After calling for thousands of times, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face. There are three or two sounds of the strings being plucked by the rotating shaft, and there is emotion before the tune is formed. The strings muffle the sounds and thoughts, seeming to complain of a life of failure. The formalities of the letter were continued with a low eyebrow, telling all the infinite things in one's heart. Lightly gathered, slowly twisted and wiped, then picked again, first "Neon Shang" and later "Liu Yao". The big strings are noisy like the rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The bullets are noisy and mixed, and big and small beads fall on the jade plate. The orioles in Guan Guan are talking about the slippery bottom of the flowers, and it is difficult to go under the ice of the Youyan Spring. The ice spring is cold and the strings are condensed, and the condensation will never pass the sound for a while. Don't be sad and resentful. Silence is better than sound at this time. The silver bottle suddenly cracked and water slurry burst out, and the cavalry's swords and guns roared. At the end of the song, the plucked strings are carefully drawn, and the four strings sound like cracking silk. The east boat and the west boat were silent, only the white autumn moon could be seen in the middle of the river.
While chanting and plucking the strings, I straightened my clothes and gathered my features. She said that she was originally a girl from the capital city, and her family lived under the tomb of shrimp. At the age of 13, he learned the pipa successfully and became the first member of the Jiaofang. Qu Ba once called Shancai Fu, and she was jealous of Qiu Niang every time she made up. The young people in Wuling are struggling with their heads, and there are countless red silk songs. The silver grate on the tin head was broken into pieces, and the bloody skirt was stained by wine. This year's laughter will bring back the next, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will pass easily. My younger brother left to join the army and my aunt died, so I went to see you in the morning. There are few horses and pommels in front of the door, and the boss is married to a businessman. Businessmen value profit over separation. The month before last, they went to Fuliang to buy tea. There is an empty boat at the mouth of the river, and the moon is shining brightly around the boat. The water in the river is cold. Late at night, I suddenly dreamed about my youth. I cried and cried, and my eyes were red with tears. I sighed when I heard the pipa, and I groaned again when I heard the words. We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we have known each other before.
I resigned from the Imperial Capital last year and was relegated to Xunyang City where I was sick. There is no music in Xunyang, a remote place, and the sound of silk and bamboo is not heard all year round. The land where I live near the Huanjiang River is low and humid, and yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow around my house. What did you hear during this period? The cuckoo cries and the blood ape moans. On a spring river with flowers facing the autumn moonlight, I often drink wine alone while drinking. How could there be no folk songs and village flutes? It would be hard to listen to the hoarse and hoarse songs. Hearing the sound of your pipa tonight is like listening to fairy music, and my ears are temporarily bright. Mo Cigeng sat down to play a piece of music and translated it into a pipa line for you. I feel that I have been saying this for a long time, but sitting down makes the strings turn sharply. It's so sad that it's not like the forward sound, and everyone in the house weeps when they hear it again. Who among you cried the most? Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet.