Source: Mencius Gongsun Chou
Excerpt: Therefore, the people in the territory do not take the border, the country does not take the risk of mountains and rivers, and the benefits of the world do not take the benefits of military revolution. Those who gain the Tao help more, while those who lose the Tao help less. When there is little help, relatives will be there; Help more, and the world will be at peace. Take advantage of the world and attack your relatives. A gentleman wins without fighting.
Therefore, people can't settle down on the border of territory (instead of moving to other places), can't consolidate national defense with the danger of mountains and rivers, and can't shock the world with the sharpness of weapons. There are many people who help a benevolent monarch, but few people support him who don't.
Few people support and help him, even his brothers and sisters will betray him; With so many people supporting and helping him, everyone in the world will submit to him. On the condition that all the people in the world submit to him, he attacked the helpless king who betrayed him even by his brothers and sisters. Therefore, the benevolent monarch wins without fighting.
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1, the article is good at using metaphors. From the end of the article, although Mencius opposed war, he also mentioned it many times. This is to cater to the psychology of the rulers, such as having the opportunity to publicize their own "benevolent politics" proposition to the rulers.
2. The article is exquisite in analysis, grand in exposition, bold in momentum, profound in extension and strong in logic. The rhetorical method of parallelism is also adopted to make the article more convincing.