This poem encourages young people to be ambitious and make unremitting efforts while they are young, and then they will surely ride the wind and waves one day! If it is an eagle, it should strike the sky, but it is a tiger; You should roar in the mountains. If you are a dragon, you should swim in the sea.
A similar poem: Ride the wind and waves sometimes, straighten my muddy sail and bridge the deep sea.
To aim high means to pursue lofty ideals, career aspirations and Excellence. There is also the artistic conception of "Let's go straight to my Yun Fan and bridge the deep and deep sea". For example, the fastest warship of Beiyang Navy was named "Zhiyuan Ship", which means to ride the wind and waves and sail to a distant place.
Source: Xiong Zhaozheng's "Zhang Juzheng", Volume III, Chapter 9: "Although the emperor is young, he is ambitious and can be a wise king when he grows up."