Wang Rong was born in Linyi, Langya. Wang Rong was a famous scholar and official from the Three Kingdoms to the Western Jin Dynasty. He was born in the Wang family of Langya, and he is beautiful and good at talking. He is famous for his sharp comments and profound knowledge. Attack Lingzhen Tingzi, as a general, and move to Yuzhou Secretariat.
Take part in the battle of Jin and Wu, and enter Fengxian County. Governing Jingzhou area and wooing scholars has been quite effective. He has served as assistant minister, Guang Luxun, official minister, prince Taifu, secretariat official and left servant.
In the seventh year of Yuankang, he moved to Situ. Ignore the world, take pleasure in playing with mountains and rivers, sit guilty and avoid officials, and move to Shangshuling and Duke Situ. After General Zhang Fang hijacked Jin Huidi and entered Chang 'an, Wang Rong fled to Shaanxi. In the second year of Yongxing, Wang Rong died at the age of 72.
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Wang Rong is greedy and stingy. His "Thrift" has nine articles, four of which are about Wang Rong. The Book of Jin says that "human nature is good". He built many gardens and fields in Gyeonggi, so he got nothing in Gyeonggi and became rich instead.
When Wang Rong was appointed as the secretariat of Jingzhou in his early years, he sent someone to build a garden house privately, so he was relieved of his post and later paid the fee. It is said that Wang Rong and his wife often collect and calculate property day and night with ivory.
At the same time, he is stingy. There is a good plum tree at home. Wang Rong wanted to sell plums, but he was afraid that others would get the seeds, so he drilled the seeds of plums in advance. When Wang Rong's daughter married Pei Wei, she borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from Wang Rong and didn't pay it back for a long time.
When her daughter came back to see her mother, Wang Rong looked unhappy until she paid off the money. Wang Rong's nephew is getting married. Wang Rong only gave him a thin coat, and he asked to return it after marriage.