In ancient times, there were many scholars. In the era of underdeveloped traffic, people can only go to one place on foot. And many people will spend the night on the road because they have no place to live. One day, a scholar was on the mountain, and he couldn't find a place to stay after dark, so he passed by a family and wanted to spend the night. I didn't expect the girl from this family to give him a problem and humiliate him as soon as she left. When the scholar offered to spend the night, the woman responded that if she could match her couplet, she could spend the night.
"Sloppy scholar wears sloppy clothes, sloppy" woman's couplet export, which makes the scholar a little embarrassed. This not only made him feel ashamed of this couplet, but also the scholar did not become angry from embarrassment. On the contrary, he fought back well "The girl wore a bun and was on cloud nine." The girl began to laugh at will, because the scholar was not angry, but responded to the woman better with his own cleverness. So the girl explained the reason to her father. Father was very happy after hearing this, and quickly welcomed the scholar into the house and told him to stay. The scholar who is good at couplets is Song Xiang.
Song Xiang is a famous poet and calligrapher, and also a famous official in this area. He has always had a soft spot for literature. I liked reciting poems when I was young. Known as "the first gifted scholar in Lingnan", he has many things to show his talent besides stories about couplets.