Wang Xizhi worked as a secretary when he started to be an official. Later, he was appointed as a general to protect the army. After he became a general of the guard army, he pleaded with Xuancheng County () and was not approved. He was just appointed as the general of the right army and will take a look at the internal history. He gave birth to a goose. There is an old woman who lives alone in Huijili. She keeps a goose and is good at singing. Xihe wanted her to sell it, but she refused, so Xihe took her relatives and friends to see it by car. When the old woman heard that he was coming, she cooked a goose to receive him. One of Xi sighed and regretted it all day. Another time, there was a Taoist priest in Yin Shan (place name). His goose was very good. I was very happy when I went to see it and begged him to sell it. The Taoist priest said, "As long as you copy the Tao Te Ching for me, I will give you the whole book." I am very happy to finish writing, put the goose in the cage and go home, feeling very happy. This is his casual frankness. Once I went to his protege's house and saw several cases smooth and clean, so I wrote on them, half in regular script and half in cursive script. Later, this work was accidentally scraped off by his protege's father, and his protege was frightened and annoyed for several days. I once saw an old lady selling hexagonal bamboo fans in Jishan. Xizhi writes fans for him, each with five words. The old lady looked unhappy at first. So he said to the old lady, "As long as Wang Xizhi (You Jun is his official title) wrote it, you can buy it for 100 yuan." According to him, the old lady has many people vying to buy it. A few days later, the old lady brought another fan. Xi Zhixiao smiled and didn't answer. His calligraphy is valued by the world, just like this. I often claim to be: "my calligraphy is comparable to his;" Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script, it can simply surpass him! " I once wrote to a friend and said, "Zhang Zhi was learning calligraphy by the pool, and the water in the pool was dyed black. If others can be so fascinated, their achievements will not be lower than him. " At the beginning of Xihe, calligraphy was not as good as success, but improved in his later years. I once wrote back to Yu Liang with Cao Zhang, and Yu Yi was deeply impressed, so he wrote to Xizhi and said, "I used to have ten Cao Zhang who were boying, but they disappeared after crossing the Nanshui River, so I often lamented that good calligraphy works disappeared forever. Suddenly I saw my husband's letter back to my brother, and my spirit was full again, and I returned to my previous state. "
After Xi became an official, he interacted with orientals and enjoyed fishing and hunting. Practice taking Dan medicine with Taoist Xu Mai, and the stone is not afraid of thousands of miles away. He traveled all over the eastern counties, famous mountains and rivers and Pan-DaHai You, and lamented that "I should die in joy". Xie An once said to him, "When people reach middle age, both sadness and joy are very important. If you are separated from your relatives and friends, you will feel uncomfortable for several days. " Xi Zhi said: "It is natural for people to be old. Now I need music to write temperament. I am often afraid that children will know our emotions and reduce their happiness. " Seeing that the oath of not being an official was firm, the court no longer asked him to be an official.
Sorry, I saved it wrongly just now, which delayed the time.