1. Coming towards the rostrum with neat steps was the No. 3 (4) Squadron. Look, how bright their smiles are. Each one of them is majestic, high-spirited, and full of airs. With the words "diligence, "Perseverance, simplicity, sincerity" is the school motto, be practical and seek truth, admire beauty and be progressive. Under the vast sky of Donglin, like an eagle spreading its wings, it flies towards a better future!
2. Holding a golden racket in hand and walking with strong steps, the No. 2 (5) Squadron is walking towards the rostrum. The No. 2 (5) Squadron is a special calligraphy and painting class in our school. With the careful care of the teacher, Under the guidance and hard work of the classmates, their class's calligraphy and painting works have won many awards in national, provincial and municipal competitions. Today, with the spirit of "dare to fight and dare to be the first", they actively participate in the school's In all competitions of the Games, I believe they will work hard and enterprising like the Chinese Olympic athletes.
3. Following the majestic and exciting music, marching in neat and powerful steps, the 4th (5) Squadron came forward. As a heroic squadron of our school, the whole class will definitely learn from our country’s Olympic Games The athletes work together and work hard to bring glory to the class and get more flowers and applause.
4. Sports are everywhere, and youth never gives up. Now coming to us are the athletes from Class 5, Grade 7. They are a team that dares to dream, fight hard, and keep making progress. Their philosophy is: live with confidence and walk with success. They will uphold the principle of "greeting the competition with the enthusiasm of fire, facing failure with a mind as big as the sea, and welcoming victory with the splendor of flowers." Every student in Class 5 of Grade 7 will use the brush of youth to draw his or her own colors, and use hard work and harvest to fly their brilliant dreams!
5. Accompanied by the warm sunshine and the gentle spring breeze, the students of Class 2 (6) are walking toward us now. Look, how bright their faces are smiling and how neatly they walk. They are as vibrant as spring, and they are as beautiful as flowers. This is a group full of sunshine and rain, a united, lively and enterprising group.
6. Now coming towards you are the athletes from Classes 1 and 6 who are united. Listen, their slogans are so loud. Look, their steps are so neat. ! Class 6 Class 6 is extraordinary. The students in Class 6, the first grade of junior high school, are thoughtful: they are not only pursuing excellent academic performance, but also a healthy body.
7. The first children to come to us were the children from Class 1, Grade 7. Although their faces have not lost their childishness, their heads are still short, and their shoulders are still young. But the youngest children in the school, like their elder brothers and sisters, have the ambition of an eagle and soar high! What they held up was not only their own hand patterns, but also their dedication and sincerity to decorate the big garden of No. 19 Middle School with their own hands! Children of Class 71, come on!
8. The fourth (3) squadron is coming to us now. Look, they are marching neatly and in high spirits. This is a cohesive group composed of 42 students. They are all lively, cute, hard-working and loving. In daily study and life, students can help each other and have a harmonious relationship with each other. I believe that in this sports meeting, based on the principle of friendship first and competition second, we will definitely be able to perform well and achieve good results.
9. Class 5 (3) is composed of 21 beautiful girls and 22 handsome boys. All team members love sports and have good physical fitness. Some are "strong men" with burly figures and some can walk as fast as flying. The "Little Swallow" and the "Little Monkey" are agile and can run and jump freely. Everyone is full of confidence in this sports meeting and unanimously said: challenge yourself and strive for success.
10. Now walking towards the rostrum is the three (1) squadron, 23 boys and 15 girls make up this energetic group. Their squadron goal is to "work together, never retreat, star of hope, challenge the future!" On today's sports field, they will "work together and challenge for the first place." Look, how bright their smiles are, and listen, how loud their slogans are. We believe that this courage and confidence will accompany them every step of the way in the future!