How to hang calligraphy and paintings framed horizontally?

The framed calligraphy and painting works have lanyards, so it is best to hang them upright. (Scroll, banner), no matter which one, if it is hung for a long time, due to the dry indoor air, calligraphy and painting works will generally become corrugated (rolled). They need to be rolled up and stored for a period of time, and then hung again at the right time in the season, which will solve some of the corrugation. problem. It looks smooth and beautiful.

The banner is too long, sinks easily, and hangs unevenly. Solution:

1. In the past, one nail was made at one end. Now you can nail two nails on one end, with the distance up and down customized. Increase the left and right pulling force to solve the problem of flat hanging.

2. Change to screen installation.