Preface to Wang Tengting was written by Wang Bo at the age of twenty-five. Wang Bo, born in 650, was born in Longmen, Gujiang Prefecture. He is smart and studious, and is good at poetry and writing. He is called a prodigy. At the age of nine, he wrote Finger Defects and began to study medicine at the age of twelve. He can be said to be a young wizard. In 675, Wang Bo wrote "Preface to Wang Tengting", which has been passed down to this day. At present, it is generally believed in academic circles that Preface to Wang Tengting was written by Wang Bo at the age of 29.
Preface to Wang Tengting is the full name of Preface to Wang Tengting's Autumn, also known as Preface to Wang Tengting's Poems and Preface to Banquet Wang Tengting. There have always been four views on the writing time of articles.
The first statement originated from the Tang Jian compiled by the kings of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. According to the book, Wang Bo wrote Preface to Wang Tengting when he was fourteen. Wang Bo's father may be the county magistrate of Liuhe County. Wang Bo went to Liuhe and passed through Hongzhou. Moreover, there is a saying in the article that "a boy knows nothing and will win every bow", which can also prove the establishment of this statement.
The second statement comes from the new biography of Tang people in Yuan Dynasty. The book claims that the preface to Wang Teng-ting should have been written by Wang Bo when he was twenty-nine years old in the second year of Shang Yuan (that is, AD 675) and went to Jiaozhi (northwest of Hanoi, Vietnam) to meet his father (then Jiaozhi county magistrate). Judging from its extensive content and rich wording, it is more like an adult's work. And "boy" does not necessarily refer to children, but can also be understood as a modest word, which is used to express one's youth and ignorance. Moreover, there is also a saying in the article that "there is no way to volunteer, and the final army will be weak". "Weak crown" refers to twenty years old. Therefore, the second statement is more reasonable than the first statement, and it is also generally recognized by the academic community. Note that "twenty-nine years old" here refers to a nominal age.
In addition, there are "thirteen-year-old theory" and "twenty-two-year-old theory", which the academic circles think have no clear evidence and need to be discussed. Compared with the literati in the early Tang Dynasty at the same time, he was good at expressing emotion, expressing his mind and expressing his mind with fu. The concrete performance is: he shows his desire for the world in his fu. When his ideal was frustrated and his career was frustrated, he showed his lofty quality and beautiful personality in his poems, and expressed his melancholy, resentment and openness. Nevertheless, he never gave up his desire for fame and his vision for the future.
From the content, Preface to Wang Tengting expands the artistic realm of parallel prose. In terms of artistic form, Preface to Wang Tengting accepted the tradition of lyric prose and parallel prose in the Six Dynasties, and achieved the unity of beauty in content and beauty in form. Preface to Wang Teng-ting is not only a new change of parallel prose in the Six Dynasties, but also a precursor to the popularization and standardization of parallel prose in the Tang Dynasty.