Wang Xianzhi began to learn calligraphy when he was seven or eight years old, and studied under his father. On one occasion, when Wang Xizhi saw that Xian Zhi was practicing calligraphy attentively, he quietly walked behind him and suddenly reached out to draw the brush in Wang Xianzhi's hand. Xianzhi held the pen tightly and was not pulled out.
Wang Xizhi praised him: "This son is going to be famous again." When he was a teenager, he thought his handwriting was very good. One day, he went to ask his father, "Is it good enough to practice my handwriting for another three years?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer.
Mom shook her head and said, "It's far away!" He offered it and asked, "What about five years?" Mom's head is still shaking. Xian asked anxiously, "How many years will it take to practice good handwriting?"
He asked again, "Dad, everyone says your handwriting is good. What's the secret? " Wang Xizhi looked at his son, thinking that this kind of calligraphy has no solid basic skills, how can it enter people's eyes?
So he went to the window and pointed to a row of tanks in the yard and said, "You, after writing those eighteen tanks of water, you will have a skeleton to stand firm!" " Wang Xianzhi was unconvinced and secretly determined to show some skills to her parents.
So he practiced basic strokes every day according to his father's requirements and worked hard for five years. One day, he showed his father his "painstaking efforts". Wang Xizhi said nothing. After reading it, he saw that the word "big" was tight and loose.
He picked up the pen, added a little below it, and it became the word "Tai", and then returned all the manuscripts to him. Xiaoxian felt a little bitter and showed all his calligraphy to his mother. Mother thought carefully.
After a long time, I sighed and said, "My son has been writing for thousands of days. It seems that only one thing is semantic." Look carefully, what a fool! It turns out that this point pointed by my mother was added by Wang Xizhi under the big characters! Give a full face of shame
I feel that my writing ability is far from perfect, so I plunge into my study and study hard every day. Clever Wang Xianzhi is deeply aware that there is no shortcut to writing, only the word "diligence".
I don't know how many days and nights have passed, and his calligraphy has made great progress. Later, he finally became a world-famous calligrapher, and like his father, he was called the "Two Kings".
2. Sima Guang
When he was a child, he studied with his siblings. He felt that his memory was poor, so he tried to overcome this weakness. Whenever the teacher finishes reading the books, my brothers and sisters will read them for a while, but they can barely recite them, so they leave the books one by one and run to the yard to play.
Only when he refuses to leave, closes the doors and windows gently, reads attentively, and reads again and again, until he knows everything, closes the book and recites it fluently and correctly, will he rest.
Sima Guang studied tirelessly since he was a child, but worked harder after becoming an official. Where he lives, there are no other precious furnishings except books and bedding. Bedding is simple: a wooden bed, a coarse quilt and a log pillow.
Why use a log pillow? It's interesting to say, when you are too sleepy to study, you just fall asleep. Log pillows roll easily on hardwood beds.
Just move and it will roll away. His head fell on the wooden bed, and with a bang, he woke up and got up to read at once. Sima Guang gave this log pillow a name: "Police pillow."
3. Li Shizhen
In the process of compiling Compendium of Materia Medica, the biggest headache for Li Shizhen is that the shape and growth of drugs are often confused because of the mixed names of drugs. The cursive script of the past, though repeatedly explained.
However, because some authors copy books without in-depth investigation and study, the more they explain, the more confused and contradictory they are, which makes people unable to agree.
For example, Tao Hongjing, a famous medical scientist in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, said it was grass, like ephedra, but it was blue in color and had white flowers. Ma Su in Song Dynasty thought it was like Qing Dynasty, and accused Tao Hongjing of not knowing it at all.
Another example is a medicine for treating the dog's spine. Some people say it looks like a weed, some people say it looks like a weed, and some people say it looks like a flower. Opinions are very different. Inspired by his father, Li Shizhen realized that it was necessary to "read thousands of books", but it was more necessary to "take the Wan Li road".
Therefore, he not only "accepted" but also "visited the four sides" to conduct in-depth investigations. After 27 years of long-term efforts, the first draft of Compendium of Materia Medica was completed in the sixth year of Ming Shenzong Wanli (1578) at the age of 6 1.
4. Qi Baishi
Qi Baishi is a famous painter and calligrapher in China. He cherishes time very much and never wastes it. He has been encouraging himself with an epigram, that is, "don't teach for a day."
What does it take to be idle for a day? He set a standard for himself, that is, he should draw with strokes every day, at least five times a day. Although he is over 90 years old, he still insists on doing so.
Once, Qi Baishi's family, friends and students came to celebrate his 90th birthday. In a festive atmosphere, he was too busy to see off the last guests until very late.
At this time, he thought, there are five paintings left unfinished today, which should be finished before going to bed, so he picked up a pen and drew. Due to fatigue, it was difficult to concentrate, and he didn't go to rest until his family dissuaded him many times.
The next day, Qi Baishi got up early. The family was afraid that he was tired and urged him to rest more. Qi Baishi said seriously, "There were many guests yesterday, so I stopped painting. Today I must make up for yesterday's leisure. " After that, he painted seriously again.
5. Cao Xueqin
Cao Xueqin's ambition of "mending the sky" has never slackened. Until his later years, his friend Duncheng's "In Memory of Cao Xueqin (Zhan)" still comforted him: "Don't beat the cymbals of diners, don't knock on the doors of the rich. It is better to write a book about Huangye Village than to write a book about Huangye Village. "
It means that Cao Xueqin's personal struggle has encountered difficulties and obstacles because of his status as a guilty minister. He sincerely advised him to retire and concentrate on writing.
Cao Xueqin also lived up to expectations. During his ten years in seclusion in Xishan Mountain, Cao Xueqin wrote his old work "A Treasure Mirror of Yue Feng" into a masterpiece "A Dream of Red Mansions" with perseverance.