People make a jade, the sky is like water, and they write about He Zhi. Hainan is burning, so it's not as warm as cold. Count from the beginning, how many, how many virtuous, and others, one by one old incense table. ? I'm used to it Small in my boat, still full of cheers. Prince Mo Ye and his grandson saw it. These children are clever and taller than books. Starting from the economy, I can give seven words and twelve sentences to the seven brothers Wu Langzhong in the driving department.
Poet: Bai Juyi
In April, the weather is peaceful and sunny, with trees and flat sand banks. It's stable to ride a horse well alone.
At first I was light-skinned and light-footed. I retired to the lower level and had few companions. I left home and closed the door without seeing him off.
Wind-born bamboo lies between the windows at night, and the moonlight scatters on the stage. Spring wine is three points cold.
Qin Xiao idled around Yu Sheng for ten days. There is no one but the old driver Nangong.