According to historical records, Liu Qin, the king of Huaiyang, was "good at reading, intelligent and talented" when he was young, and was deeply loved by Xuan Di, the Emperor Gaozu. Xuan Di, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, tried many times to change Liu Qin into a prince, but he gave up because of the opposition of ministers. During the Han and Yuan Dynasties, Huaiyin Wang Liuqin was influenced by his uncle Zhang Fu and Zhang Fu's son-in-law Beijing Government. He criticized the failure of state affairs, slandered the emperor and peeped at the throne, and was repeatedly condemned by Yuan Di.
Liu Qin died in the 36th year of his reign, and passed it on to his son Liu Qu as the King of Huaiyang, and Liu Xuan passed it on to his son Ada. After Wang Mang usurped the throne, the king of Huaiyang was demoted to a civilian, and the country of Huaiyang perished.
The descendants of Huaiyang royal family are mainly distributed in today's Henan Province.