Characteristics of "The Old Gentleman on the Top"
Sacrificing the old gentleman is the same as offering sacrifices to Guandi, Lv Zu and the Eight Immortals. But with Taijun as the center of other gods, the arm is the patron saint of the old gentleman and placed on both sides. Taoists say there is nothing. Although they don't eat meat, it is more appropriate to offer vegetarian sacrifices. It is best to open the light in the Taoist temple. In religion, there is a fixed ritual to be enlightened before spirituality can be achieved.
Opening the light is one of the Taoist rituals. When gods are shaped and auspicious days are chosen, they will be given a ceremony to commemorate their names. When the idol made by the workers is not enshrined in the palace and the opening ceremony is held, it is just a work of art. Opening the light means injecting the invisible qi with boundless magic into the idol, and the idol will have boundless magic. Therefore, opening the light is an essential ceremony after offering sacrifices to the gods.