I should die happily.
From Biography of Wang Jin and Xi
Wang Xizhi started as a doctor. Reaffirm the general to protect the army. Xihe not only worshipped the army, but also begged Xuancheng County, but refused, thinking that the general of the right army would review the internal history. Sex goose, there will be a lonely goose in Huiji, which is good at singing. If it can't get the market, it will bring its relatives and friends to watch it. I heard Xihe was coming, and I cooked for him. Xihe regretted it for a long time. There is also a Taoist priest in Yin Shan who keeps geese well. He is very happy with his visit and seeks the market. The Taoist said, "In order to write the Tao Te Ching, gifts should be given to a group of people." Xihe happily finished writing and went home in a cage, very happy. Its appointment rate is so. After tasting the student's home, I saw it was smooth and clean. Because that book is really half grass. Later, his father accidentally scraped it off, and the students were shocked and depressed. I also tried to see an old man basking in the sun in Lushan Mountain and sold it with a hexagonal bamboo fan. The Book of Xi has its fans, and each fan has five roles. There is sorrow at the beginning of the sun. Because he said to Mu, "But that's Wang Youjun's book, to make money and do evil." Like he said, someone made an offer. Another day passed, and Mussina came again with a fan. Xi just laughed and didn't answer. His books are very important to the world, and all books are of this kind. Every self-proclaimed "My book is better than Zhong You, I am tolerant; Compared with Zhang, he is still a wild goose. " I once wrote a book with someone: "Zhang Zhi is studying in the pool, and the water in the pool is all black, which makes people worry, but it may not be the last one." The book of Xi begins with wings and sorrow, and the next year is wonderful. I tried to answer Yu Liang with Cao Zhang, but my wings sighed deeply. Because the Book of Xihe said, "I used to have ten caos, but I lost them when I crossed the river. I often sigh that the beautiful traces will never disappear. Suddenly, when I saw the first step to write back to my brother, I was radiant and returned to the old concept. "
After Xi became an official, he traveled with Japanese people, fishing and entertaining. He and Taoist Xu Mai * * * took food, collected thousands of miles of herbs and stones, traveled all over the counties and counties in the East, flooded the sea, and sighed, "I should die of joy.
Me: Personal pronoun, me. ~ body. ~ country. ~ generation.
Pawn: death: illness. Date of birth.
When: should: should ~. Manage ~. Old age is strong.
Joy: joy, happiness; Come on. ~ environment. ~ harmony. ~ I can't support it. Its ~ infinity. ~ Outlook (cheerful spirit, full of confidence in the development of things). ~ days (content with the status quo and have no worries).