At first, Wei Si, Zhao Ji and Han Qian, doctor Jin, were appointed as governors.
Guangda Chen said: I heard that the position of the son of heaven is greater than ceremony, ceremony is greater than points, and points are greater than names. What is a gift? Ji Gang is also; What is a score? This is also; What is a name? Male, Hou, Qing, doctor also. Husband is a man from all over the world, a trillion people, subject to one person. Although he has unparalleled strength and great wisdom, he dares not to run and serve. Isn't being polite a discipline? Therefore, the son of heaven unified the Three Kingdoms, and the Three Kingdoms led the princes, and the princes established Qing Dafu, who ruled Shu Ren. You are dear and cheap, and cheap is expensive. Under the command of the superior, transport the brothers and sisters of Judah to make leaves fundamentally; The next thing you know, you're still the confidant of your brothers and sisters, and your branches and roots are protected. Then we can protect each other and safeguard national security. Therefore, the status of the son of heaven is greater than ceremony.
The preface "Yi" headed by Gan Kun. Confucius said, "Heaven respects the earth and decides it. If it is high, it will be Chen, and if it is low, it will be expensive." When it comes to the position of monarch and minister, it is not easy. "Spring and Autumn Annals" suppressed princes and respected Zhou Shi. Although Wang Ren was slight, he was above the princes, so he was not ashamed when he saw the saints of monarchs and ministers. Unless there is Jie and Zhou's violence, Tang and Wu Zhiren all belong to it, and their destiny is divided into monarch and minister. It's just a matter of staying awake and dying. Therefore, if you change it into a particle, it will become soup with the sky; There is too much blood for Ji Zha and Wu Jun. But the second son would rather die than do it, with great ceremony and sincerity. Therefore, courtesy is more important than parting.
Gifts, divide the noble and the humble, order relatives and friends, cut things, and take care of ordinary things. It is not a name, nor a device. The name is given by fate, and the instrument is different, and then there is a connection between the superior and the subordinate. This is also a great ceremony. When the famous ship died, the ceremony was safe. In the past, Uncle Zhong made meritorious service to Wei, resigned from the city and invited countless tassels. Confucius thought it would be better to spend more time with him. Only the equipment and name, no dummy, and so is your company. When the government dies, the country dies with it. Wei Jun regarded Confucius as a politician. Confucius wanted to correct his name first, but he thought that his name was not correct. The husband is numerous and small, and Confucius cherishes it; Correct the name, the details are also, Confucius comes first. To be honest, there is no reason for the confusion of famous products. Nothing can happen without being born small. Sages are far-sighted, so they can be cautious; People's knowledge is close, so we must wait and then save. With a little treatment, you will work less and do more; If you are saved, you will try your best but you can't. The Book of Changes says, "When you are on the frost, the ice is firm", and the book says, "Ten thousand dollars a day, two days" refers to this kind of thing. So the point is greater than the name.
Oh! You, Li lost his virtue, Zhou Dao declined day by day, discipline and discipline were scattered, governors took their place, and doctors were good at politics. General ceremony, even lost 70% to 80%. However, the worship of literature and martial arts continues, and the descendants of Zhou can still maintain their birthright. Why is there still a long way to go? In the past, Jin Wengong made a great contribution to the royal family, so please go to Wang Xiang directly, but Wang Xiang refused, saying, "So did Zhang Wang. Having two kings without virtue is also my uncle's evil. Otherwise, my uncle has land and tunnels, so why bother? " Wen Gong was too scared to disobey. Therefore, Zhou's land is not bigger than that of Cao and Teng, and it is not popular in Zhu and Ju 'an. However, hundreds of years later, he has ruled the world. Although he is better than Jin, Chu, Qi and Qin, he dare not add them up. Just a name, but also a reason. As for Ji's surname to Lu, Tian Chang to Qi, Bai Gong to Chu and Zhi Bo to Jin, they are independent of each other. However, people who dare not die cannot bear it. It is the fear of rape and crime, and the whole world is punished by * * *. Today, doctors in the state of Jin abuse their monarch and divide the state of Jin, but the son of heaven can neither ask for it nor spoil it, making it a vassal in name only and abandoning it. The ceremony of my late king is over. Or think, when it is, Zhou Shi is weak and Sanjin is strong. Although it is not allowed, can it be obtained? That's not true. Although the husband Sanjin is strong, if he violates the righteousness, he will disregard the world and stand on his own feet without asking the son of heaven. Self-reliance without seeking the son of heaven is a rebel. If there is a king of Huan Wen in the world, it must be levied with courtesy and righteousness. Today, the emperor was invited, and the emperor agreed, because the emperor ordered him to be a vassal. Who can ask for it! Therefore, listing Sanjin as a vassal is not a bad gift for Sanjin, but also a bad gift for Tianzi.
Oh! If the courtesy of the monarch and the minister is not good, the world will benefit from each other's wisdom, and then the sage will be a vassal, and the country will die and the people will be harmed. Isn't it sad!
2. Story of Tongzhi Jane During the Ningnian period in Song Shenzong, Sima Guang strongly opposed Wang Anshi's political reform and asked to go abroad. In the fourth year of Xining (107 1), he was sentenced to Xijing Yushitai, and lived in Luoyang for the next fifteen years without asking about political affairs. During this leisurely time, Sima Guang presided over the compilation of 294 volumes of 3 million-word chronological history book Zi Tongzhi Jian.
Purple Tongzhi Sword began in the 23rd year of King Weilie Zhou (403 BC) and ended in the 6th year of Zhou Shizong's showing virtue after the Five Dynasties (959 BC). * * * records the history of 16 dynasties, and was edited in 19 BC. He said in Zi Zhi Tong Jian: "I am so tired now, my eyes are dim, my teeth are missing, and my knowledge is exhausted. At present, I just forget it. My energy is on this book. " Sima Guang devoted himself to this book all his life, and died of overwork in less than two years. From the publication of Zi Tongzhi Jian to the abridgement and finalization of Zi Tongzhi Jian, it was actually written by Sima Jun himself, not by others. Wang Mingsheng, a scholar in the Qing Dynasty, said: "This book is indispensable between heaven and earth, and it is also a must-read book for scholars."
As a Mirror, Zi Tong Zhi Jian is a famous historical work in ancient China, which has always been valued and read by people. This book was edited by Sima Guang in the Northern Song Dynasty. After a long-term melee since the mid-Tang Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty achieved national unity, social economy recovered and developed, and academic culture flourished. At the same time, the internal affairs are full of disadvantages, the imperial army is weak and the situation is unstable. This is an era full of vitality, depression, progress and weakness. At that time, the monarch and his subjects, people with lofty ideals and common people mostly considered how to live and how to find a way out. Therefore, some people advocate "judo" to rule the world, saying that the law of ancestors cannot be changed; Some are determined to reform and implement political reform; Living a hard life, I was forced to take risks and revolt. People who master cultural knowledge, especially historians, such as Ouyang Xiu, Sima Guang and Fan Zuyu, often review history in the face of reality, trying to sum up historical experience and lessons, taking history as a mirror, and better solving realistic contradictions, so as to be able to govern the country and secure the country. Among them, the purpose of Tong Jian edited by Sima Guang is the most prominent and representative.
3. The three twists and turns of the story of seeking the son and treating the sword together. When Huo was extravagant, Mao Sheng said, "Huo will die.
Luxury leads to inferiority, and inferiority leads to humiliation. Those who insult their superiors go against the path, and people are on the right side, all of which are harmful.
Huo forces have been in power for a long time, and there are many victims. The world is in danger, but it runs counter to the road. What can we do if we don't die? "The last chapter says:" Huo Taisheng, your majesty loves it, so it is appropriate to make it in time, or you will die if you don't make it. "
About the third book, I need to report the news. Later, Huo was destroyed, and all those who sued Huo were blocked. As for Xu Sheng, he wrote a letter saying: "I heard that the guest has a master, and when he saw that the stove has a salary, the guest called the master:' It's even more tortuous, and it's far from his salary. Otherwise there will be a fire.
Master, hey, but you shouldn't. Suddenly, the house caught fire and the neighbors saved it. Fortunately, they were relieved.
So kill the cow and buy wine to thank its neighbors. The burning lies in going up, and the rest of the merits sit down, rather than recording sudden words. People say, the master said,' Listen to the guest, don't spend a penny, and eventually kill the fire.
Today, I invite guests on my own merits, and my salary is not very elegant. The host invited him. Today, Xu Fu in Maoling, several books say that flint has changed and should be prevented.
If your blessing is right, there will be no cost for the country to break ground and become a knight, and the minister will not lose. Now that it's over, only your Majesty can observe that your sudden salary payment made you feel anxious. "
Ten silks are blessed on the top, and then lang is thought [13]. Note (1) Zi Zhi Tong Jian: The largest chronological general history in China, recording the history from 403 BC to 959 AD *** 1362, which was compiled by Sima Guang and others in the Northern Song Dynasty in 19. Song Shenzong thought that this book was named "in view of the past, it had resources to manage Tao".
② Huo family: refers to the family of Huo Guang, the minister of the Western Han Dynasty. Huo Guang reigned for 20 years, conniving at his wife poisoning Xuan Di's original queen and making his daughter queen. His children were appointed princes, and his son-in-law held military power.
After Huo Guang's death, the Huo family remained extravagant and dissipated. Later, they even murdered the Prime Minister, abolished it and made Huo Guang's son emperor. After the incident, the Huo family was exterminated and thousands of people were killed.
③ Maoling: Mr. Xu, whose ancestral home is Maoling, is famous for his happiness. ④ Right: upward, with high level.
5 Hazard: jealousy. ⑥ Sparse: An article in which courtiers state things to the emperor.
⑦ Report: In the Han Dynasty system, if the emperor didn't use it, he would give a "report", which means "I know". 8: Visit.
Pet-name ruby: chimney. Indications: upward.
⑾ record: invitation. ⑿: Wake up and get it.
[13] Lang: Lang Guan, the general name of the emperor's attendants. When the Huo family was extravagant, Mr. Xu of Maoling said, "If the Huo family wants to perish, it must perish.
Luxury is not humble, not humble is light, light is light. This is a rebellious way. If you are above others, everyone will resent it.
The Huo family has been in power for a long time, and more people resent it! The whole world hates them, and they are still taking the road of rebellion. So what are you waiting for if you don't perish? So he wrote to the emperor: "The Huo family is too powerful. If your majesty loves and treats them well, you should restrain them in time and don't let them go extinct! " I have read the book three times, and every time it always replies "I know", it doesn't matter. Later, the Huo family was exterminated, and those who reported the rebellion of the Huo family were rewarded. Some people complained that Mr. Xu was unfair and wrote to the emperor: "I heard that once a guest went to a house and saw that the chimney of the master's kitchen fire was straight and there was a pile of firewood next to it." The guest said to the host,' Change the chimney into an arc and move the firewood away.
Otherwise, there will be a fire. The host said nothing.
Soon the house caught fire and the neighbors put it out together. Fortunately, it was put out. So the host slaughtered the cow to prepare wine, thanked the neighbors and sat down on the badly burned table. The rest of the people took their seats in the order of their efforts, but did not ask for suggestions on modifying the chimney and moving the firewood far away.
Others said to their masters,' If we had listened to others, we wouldn't have to kill cattle to buy wine, and there wouldn't have been a fire. Now please treat others according to your efforts. How can it be implied that people who refit chimneys and move firewood far away can't touch the light, while these people who burn their heads and have a fever become guests? The host just woke up and invited the guests.
Today, Xu Fu of Maoling has said many times that the Huo family will rebel and should prevent and put an end to it. At the beginning, if chui fook's opinion can be implemented, then the country will not need to allocate land to the official, and the family will not be annihilated because of rebellion.
It happened that things were over, and Cui Fu didn't receive the reward. I hope your majesty will think about this matter and respect those who suggest modifying the chimney and moving the firewood far away, so that his contribution can be above those who burn their hair and forehead. "The emperor gave chui fook ten silk horses, and later named him LangGuan.
There is a kind of person in the world who is called "wise after the event". There are always more such people than "former wisdom", right? Because there are only a few people who can nip in the bud, and even if there are, they may not be taken seriously. In this way, it is not easy to be wise after the event. On the one hand, you need the courage to admit mistakes, on the other hand, you need to realize the wisdom of mistakes.
Chui fook should be said to be lucky in this article. At least he is not like Tian Feng under Yuan Shao in The Romance of Three Kingdoms, when it turns out that he foresaw correctly, that is, when his master was going to end his life, because he was smarter than his master! Heaven knows earth knows that Yang Zhen is poor and eager to learn, and Ouyang Xiu's history books are accessible to the Expo. Confucianism said, "Kansai ③ Confucius praised Qi Bo." Professor for more than 20 years, he didn't answer the county etiquette (4), and everyone called it dusk (5), and the more surprised he was.
Deng Xiang (6) heard about it and turned to it for help. More than 50 years after the earthquake, he moved to Jingzhou to stab the official, and Donglai was the satrap. ⑧ County passed Changyi ⑨, and Jingzhou maocai ⑩ Wang Mi was appointed as Changyi's order, and he was pregnant with ten catties of gold at night. Zhen said, "An old friend knows a gentleman, but you don't know an old friend. Why? " Secret: "Ignorance at dusk".
Zhen said, "Heaven knows, earth knows, I know, and son knows. What is an ignorant person! " Come out in shame. Later, he switched to Zhuo Jun (⑿). He was a satrap, honest and honest, and his descendants often ate vegetables and walked. So, he wanted to start an industry, but he refused to waver. He said: "It is not too thick to let future generations know that they are descendants of innocent officials!" Note (1) Yang Zhen: Huayin (now Shaanxi) was a famous minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Qi Bo.
② Ouyang Shangshu: In the Western Han Dynasty, Ouyang Bohe founded "Ouyang Xue" in the bronze inscription Shangshu, so.
4. Zi Tongzhi Sword 10 Story Summary Zi Tongzhi Sword, which is the author's argument. In As a Mirror, Sima Guang described Zhou Xianwang's ten-year (first 359 years) reform of Weiyang (that is, Shang Yang), and there was a discussion about keeping his promise. Four historical stories were mentioned in the discussion, namely, "Qi Huangong didn't betray the Cao Mo League, Jin Wengong didn't covet the benefits of the original things, Wei Wenhou didn't abandon the period of worrying about people, and Qin Xiaogong didn't abandon the reward of moving wood."
1, Qi Huangong does not support the Cao Mo League.
See Historical Records: Biography of Assassins. Lu was made a general and fought against Qi. He fought three defeats. Duke Zhuang of Lu was afraid, so he gave up his land and made peace with Qi, but he still regarded it as a general. Later, I joined forces with Lu in Kedi, and I swore an oath with Duke Zhuang of Lu on the altar. Cao Mo suddenly hijacked Qi Huangong with a dagger, and everyone around Qi Huangong froze. Qi Huangong asked, "What do you want?" Cao Mo said: "Qi is strong, while Lu is weak, but your big country invaded Lu too much. Now Luguocheng is the border of Qi, so you have to think about what to do. " In such a helpless time, I promised to return the land that had occupied Lu. After hearing this, Cao Mo put down his dagger, walked off the platform of the Covenant and went to the position of ministers facing north, his face unchanged and his words unchanged. Qi Huangong was out of danger and flew into a rage, but wanted to break the contract. Guan Zhong said, "You can't do this. You are greedy for small profits and quick success. If you don't keep your word to the prince, you will lose the help of the world. It is better to give them the land. " Finally, the land occupied by Lu was returned to Lu. The land of three defeats belongs to Lu.
2. Jin Wengong doesn't covet the initial benefits.
It happened in Zuo Zhuan's Twenty-three Years of Xi Gong. Zhong Er, the son of the Jin Dynasty, lived in exile for many years. At that time, many vassal States did not accept him, but when he arrived in Chu, Chu warmly welcomed him. When the king of Chu entertained him, he asked him, "If you become the king of Jin in the future, how will you repay me?" Zhong Er said, "I think you have everything of value, and I won't give you anything rarer, but with your kind words, I will become the king of the State of Jin in the future. If we meet on the battlefield, I will give you a retreat (three miles away) in return! " Later, Zhong Er really became a monarch and Jin Wengong. He also met Chu on the battlefield in the Central Plains. Jin Wengong kept his promise and retreated for nearly a hundred miles to repay Chu's kindness.
3. Wei Wenhou has not given up the dangerous period.
In the twenty-third year of Zhou Weilie (403 BC), Wei Wenhou and his ministers were drinking and having fun, and it began to rain. Wei Wenhou remembered that he had an appointment with someone (the forest manager) to go hunting on the same day, so he personally told people that he couldn't go hunting because of the rain. This matter has been introduced in Tong Jian's story (2).
4. Qin Xiaogong didn't waste the return of immigrant timber.
See the ten years of Jian 'an (the first 359 years), that is, before Sima Guang discussed the merits. Qin Xiaogong appointed Gong Sunyang to carry out reform, and the decree has been made, but it has not yet been published. Sun Yang was afraid that the people wouldn't believe him, so he set up a 30-foot-high wooden pole in the Xianyang market in the capital, and ordered anyone who could take him to the north gate to be rewarded with 12 ounces of gold. It's strange that no one dares to recite it. Gong Sunyang also ordered: "If you can get through, you will be rewarded with fifty gold." So a man moved the wood to the north gate, and Gong Sunyang immediately gave him fifty gold. Later, GongSunYang promulgated the law of political reform.
History as a Mirror Volume III
Yan people * * * made Prince Ping for Wang Zhao. Yan died after it was breached. Those orphans who hang themselves and ask for it share joys and sorrows with the people, and humble themselves with thick coins to recruit talents and talents. Guo Kun said: "Qi attacked Yan because of the rebellion of solitary country, and I know that Yan's strength is not big enough to repay kindness;" However, it is a lonely wish to be honest with sages and countries and ashamed of being the king in the snow. Sir, if you can, do it yourself! "Guo Kun said:" In ancient times, there were people who used 1,000 yuan to make Juanren beg for a swift horse. When the horse died, they bought the first batch of 500 gold. You are furious, and people say,' Buy a dead horse as a living horse doctor! The horse arrived today. "In the year of unexpected encounter, a swift horse arrives at three. Today, Wang wants to be a scholar. Since Wei Xiao, the situation is better than that of Wei Xiao, so it is far away! " So Wang Zhao learned to build a palace for Wei Xiao. Therefore, scholars argue for fun: from Wei, opera from Zhao. Zhao Haoqi took Le Yi as his official and served as the national government.
[2] Yan nobles * * * elected Prince Ji Ping as. Zhao Haoqi acceded to the throne after Yan was attacked by Qi. He paid tribute to the dead, visited the poor and lonely, and shared joys and sorrows with the people. I condescended and spent a lot of money to recruit talents. He asked Guo Kun: "Qi attacked Yan while we were in civil strife. I know that Yan's strength is too small to take revenge. However, it has always been my wish to recruit wise men and their business countries to atone for the shame of the king. Sir, if you meet the right person, I will personally serve him. " Guo Kun said: "In ancient times, there was a monarch who sent a trickling sweeper to take his daughter to buy a maxima. The man found a dead swift horse and bought its head with 500 gold. The monarch was furious, and Juan Ren explained,' You still buy a dead horse, let alone live! Everyone knows, and the good horse is sent up. "In less than a year, I got three swift horses. Now, your majesty, if you want to attract talents, please start with me, Guo Kun. People who are more virtuous than me will do a lot. " So Yan Zhaowang rebuilt Guo Kun's mansion and regarded it as a teacher. Intellectuals from all over the world really flocked to Yan: Le Yi came from Wei, and the drama came from Zhao. Feng is a senior official of Yaqing, entrusted with the management of state affairs.
5. Zi Jian and Zi Jian are an unprecedented chronicle masterpiece compiled by Sima Guang, a famous historian and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty, and his assistants Liu Ban, Liu Shu, Fan Zuyu and Sima Kang Li Shi 19.
In this book, the editor summed up many experiences and lessons for the rulers to learn from. The title of the book means: "In view of the past, we should rely on governance", that is, take history as a mirror and strengthen governance, so it is called "Zi Zhi Tong Jian". Zi Tong Zhi Jian has 294 volumes, about 3 million words, 30 volumes of textual research and 30 volumes of contents.
The historical boundaries recorded in Zi Tong Zhi Jian began in the 23rd year of King Weilie Zhou (403 BC) and ended in the 6th year of Xiande Zhou (959 BC), with a period of *** 1362. The book is divided into sixteen dynasties, namely, five volumes of Zhou Ji, three volumes of Ji Qin, sixty volumes of Han Ji, ten volumes of Wei Ji, forty volumes of Jin Ji, sixteen volumes of Song Ji, ten volumes of Miracle, twenty-two volumes of Liang Ji, ten volumes of Chen Ji and Sui Ji.
The content of Zi Tong Zhi Jian mainly focuses on political, military and ethnic relations, as well as the evaluation of economic, cultural and historical figures, with the aim of warning future generations through the description of the ruling class policies related to the rise and fall of the country and the rise and fall of the nation. The origin of Sima Guang's title is that Song Shenzong thought the book was "rich in governance" and gave it this name.
It can be seen that the name of Zi Tong Zhi Jian is not only the conscious expression of historians' management of history, but also the conscious expression of feudal emperors' use of history to serve politics. Excerpt 1) When the troops arrived in Taicheng, Situ said that the courtier Chu said, "The supreme is the imperial court, and you can order it to come out quickly." Enter the river and bow to the front hall of Taiji. Lu Ye, Xun Xun, Zhang Lu, the doctor of Daohe Guanglu, climbed the imperial bed and hugged Emperor Wei.
With Liu Chao as the general right-back, Zhong Ya and Chu Mao stood around, and Kong Yu served the ancestral temple. All the officials ran away, and the temple was empty.
When the soldiers came in, they were ordered to stay put. Oh, they said, "The champion of the Soviet Union came to worship the Supreme, how can soldiers invade!" " Because the soldiers were afraid to enter the temple, they broke into the harem, and the imperial secretary and the left and right attendants of the queen mother saw the looting. Army soldiers drive hundreds of officials, such as Guang Luxun and Wang Bin. All these people were mourned and promoted to Shan Jiang.
Naked men and women who undress have rotten seats, bitter grass, and those who have no grass sit on the ground and cover themselves with soil; The sound of wailing vibrates inside and outside. When my aunt had an accident, Prime Minister Zuo Chengkong said frankly: "Look at the grim situation, it will definitely break through Taicheng. Since you are not a soldier, you don't need to be obedient. "
Taicheng fell, many people surrendered and died, and the man in white had no one else. An official has two hundred thousand pieces of cloth, five thousand pounds of gold and silver, hundreds of millions of money and tens of thousands of silks, which is expensive; Taiguan only needs to burn the leftover rice and stones to make royal meals.
Or, Zhong Ya said, "Guangzhi, a monarch, can't tolerate enmity. It's just a matter of time! " Ya said, "If the country is in chaos, there is nothing you can do or escape. How can you be a minister? " Ding Si and Jun called for an amnesty, but the Yu Liang brothers were not in the original case. With the good hope of Wang Dao, I still made this official my own right.
Zuyue was the assistant, Qiu, Shang Shuling, and Jun himself was an ancient general, recording the affairs of ministers. Liu Xu is Danyang Yin, Ma Xiong is left-back, and Zuhuan is General Xiao Qi. Yiyang Wang was named Jun Jun, and Fu Juan named Jun Jun as Xiyang Wang, Taizai, and recorded history.
Cao Jun sent troops to attack the ice sheet in the history of Wu, but the ice sheet could not be conquered. He abandoned the county and went to Zhejiang, eager to buy it. Wu Ling dismounted, led the ice into the boat, covered it with a blanket, neighed and drummed, and went down the river.
Every time he went to Solo, he knocked on the boat with his cane and said, "Where can I find ice?" Geng Bing is here. " People think they are drunk, but they don't doubt it. Ice is only free.
You regard Cai Mo as a servant and a history of Wu. Wen Wen Qiao does not keep health, he is afraid; People are waiting, they are sad and crying.
When Yu Liang arrived in Xunyang, the Empress Dowager declared Gao as a general in title of generals in ancient times, who was in the same department as Kaifu, and added it as the secretariat of Xuzhou. Ba said, "The thief is imperative today. How can I show it to the world if I worship the official without making any achievements? " I won't accept it.
Basu shines again. Although the light is defeated, the more she pushes, the more she tries to give it light. After Zhao Amnesty, he changed to Taihe.
In March, Bingzi and Queen Yu collapsed with anxiety. Sue camped by the lake.
In summer and April, after Zhao attacked Wan with Shi Kan, Wan Zhou was destroyed by it. Then, he attacked the Zuyue Army on the Huaihe River. About arise and attack about, about Yan bald, appearance about, only said to attack for the sake of peace.
The wall was removed and the light ran behind Zhao. Ren Shen buried Queen Mu in Wu Ping Ling.
Yu Liang and Wen Qiao will arise and beg the Soviets, but the road has been cut off. I don't know health. When he met Nanyang, he came to Yang and said, "The decrees are not strict, greed and violence persist, and the destruction is already a sign. Although strong and weak, the court has an urgent need to discuss it at an appropriate time. "
I am deeply immersed in it. Liangjun protects the army.
Liang and Ba pushed each other for the leader of the alliance, and Ba told his younger brother, "It is appropriate to push for the strength of the West Road." Jiao Nai sent Governor Bao Wang Kun to visit Jingzhou and invited Tao Kan to go with him to the national disaster.
Still hating his life, Kan replied, "I will be outside the battlefield and dare not cross the line." I have said many times that I can't go back; But he was willing to talk, and sent an envoy to say, "Be kind and keep it, and the servant should go first."
Two days after the messenger left, Pingnan joined the army in Xingyang. Mao Bao didn't send it back. When he heard about it, he said, "Any major event should be given to the world." Stones are compatible, but not identical.
If the fake is suspicious, don't be aware of it, and the situation will be bad! We should change our letters and books in a hurry. If it's not as good as the previous letter, you should send more. "Yi Yi Wu, that is, chasing messengers and changing books; Make a promise and send the governor to protect the handsome soldiers in Deng Gong.
Pakistan has 7,000 people, so it was listed on the list of ministers. Chen Zuyue and the Soviet army were charged and moved to the town, crying and getting on board. TaoKanFu chased Deng Gong back.
Bayikan wrote: "There is no retreat for the husband's army, but it can be increased or decreased. It is far and near, and it is said to be in the joint house. After the second half of the month, it was huge, and all the county troops were in the road, but only when Rengong army arrived.
Rengong called the army back today, and it is doubtful that there is a distance, and the reason for success or failure must be here. Servants are light and heavy, and relying on benevolence and love is far from the rules; As for the opening of Rong Line, I dare not quit. Servants and benevolent people, such as head and tail, are as close as lips and teeth
I'm afraid I can't achieve my lofty goal. Calling Ren Gong is slower than calling a thief. This sound is hard to catch. Servants and Rengong were appointed by Fang Yue, and their safety is closely related.
And take care of yourself, prepare for communication, and attach importance to feelings and righteousness. Once there is an emergency, I hope that the benevolent people will see the rescue and the country will be difficult! Today's worries are just public servants of a country, and both civil and military are excellent enterprises. If you don't keep the state, make an appointment with your uncle, and Jingchu West will force it.
6. Ask a famous story: In Tongzhijian, Zheng Wenzhen's husband, Wei Zhi, was ill. He sent messengers to inquire, gave him medicine bait and looked across the road. He also sent a corps commander, Ang Lee, to stay in the first place and heard the news. The second time, he and the prince went to the first place, which meant that Hengshan's son was taking his wife and son, Uncle Yu. Chen Wu, collecting funeral expenses, ordered all officials with more than nine items to attend the funeral and gave him a feather. Buried in a cloth car. Climb to the west wing of the garden, hoping to cry. Self-made inscriptions on it are used as calligraphy stones. The courtier said: "People can take bronze as a mirror, ancient as a mirror, see the rise and fall, and take people as a mirror to know the gains and losses; Wei Zhi didn't, I died a mirror! " You know the story of Wei Zhi and Emperor Taizong. They are about things that friends can learn from each other. Recently, Wuhan University even has a course on treating swords with purple, which is very helpful to broaden our horizons and enhance cultural connotation. It is suggested that people who like Zi Tongzhi Sword, especially outstanding people in government and enterprise circles, can learn about it. This course is offered by the School of History of Wuhan University, and it is called the Advanced Seminar on History, Culture and Leadership Strategy.
7. For a short story about Zi Tongzhi Sword, you can ask Queen Mother Ren Jie: "I want a good scholar to use, who can?" Ren Jie said, "What does your majesty want to do with it?" The queen mother said, "I want to be my relative." Ren Jie said to him, "If you borrow literature, Su Wei Dao and Li Qiao will have a firm choice. To win a talented person, there is also Zhang Jianzhi, the long history of Jingzhou. Although he is old, he is only a prime minister. " The queen mother named Cambodia Sima of Luozhou. A few days later, he asked Ren Jie again and said, "I recommended it to Cambodia before, but it's useless now." The queen mother said, "I have moved." Right: "The person recommended by the minister can be the prime minister, but not Sima." Is an assistant minister who moved to Qiu Guan; Over time, pawn is used for each other. Ren Jie also tasted and recommended dozens of people, including Xia Guan assistant minister Yao Chong, Yu Shi Qu Ahuan supervisor and Taizhou secretariat Jing Hui, and became famous ministers. Or Ren Jie said, "There are peaches and plums in the world, and I know they are in the public gate." Ren Jie said, "Recommend sages for the country, not for personal gain."
I found a book at random. This is 270 volumes, which is a passage of Empress Tianshun, namely Wu Zetian.
Wu Zetian once asked Emperor Renjie: "I want to use a talent, who should I use?" Di Renjie said, "I wonder what posture the emperor will use?" Wu Zetian said, "Be a leader." Di Renjie said: "If you want to write essays, you can use them on both Su Weidao and Li Qiao. If you want to find a great talent, use Zhang Jianzhi, a long history of Jingzhou. Although this man is a little old, he is a talent of the prime minister. " The Queen Mother appointed Zhang Jianzhi as Sima Luoyang. A few days later, when asked what kind of talents Di Renjie could use, Di Renjie replied: "Last time I recommended Zhang Jianzhi, your majesty still didn't use it." The Queen Mother said, "I was promoted," Di Renjie replied. "The person I recommended to the emperor was a prime minister, not a Sima." Therefore, Zhang Jian was promoted to assistant minister of Qiu Guan; Finally, the Prime Minister was appointed. Emperor also recommended Xia Guan assistant minister Yao Chong, censor Ahuan, Taizhou secretariat Jing Hui and other dozens of people, all of whom were famous ministers. Someone said, "All the peaches and plums in the world are under Di Renjie's door." Di Renjie said: "Recommend talents for the country, not for yourself."
I found it a little long after the translation. The original text is estimated to be two or three hundred words. Translation is definitely not. Find another one.
This is a passage from Ji Tang XIV 198. Emperor Taizong's civil and military sages, big and small:
Xin Mao said: "I am in Rongdi, so I can take what the ancients can't do, and those who can't be ministers of the ancients are all in line with everyone's wishes. In the past, people in Kyushu, handsome men and beautiful women, dug mountains and cut firewood, dredged rivers and seas, and were very tired. Those who did not complain, because of their hearts, went with the flow and benefited the people. "
Translated as:
In the year of Xin Mao, the emperor said, "The reason why I was able to win what my predecessors couldn't get and conquer those who couldn't * * * in the land of Rong Di was because I complied with the bright heart. In the past, Yu Xia led Kyushu people to cut down trees and dredge hundreds of rivers into the sea. He used a lot of labor, but the people didn't resent him, all because of the will of the people, conforming to the terrain and benefiting the people. "
Ho ho, I feel that I haven't forgotten the ancient prose, and I am happy.
8. Reading the composition of Tongzhi Sword Reading Tongzhi Sword, "Running water without strings, Tongjian is silent in the world". Let's read Purple Tongzhi Sword and learn about the historical story! Zi Tongzhi Jian is the largest chronological general history in the history of China, and it is also called the masterpiece of China historians together with Historical Records.
It started in the 23rd year of King Weilie Zhou and ended in the 6th year of Xiande Zhou, with a history of 1362. In the long years of nearly 2000 years, how many tortuous and touching stories have happened! For example, "Warring States for hegemony", "Chu and Han for hegemony", "Three Kingdoms", "Sui and Tang Dynasties" and "Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms" are all blossoming waves in this long history.
Among them, I was deeply impressed by Li Mi, Yu Rang, Jing Ke, Zhuge Liang, and the great-grandson queen. Looking at Zi Jian compiled by Sima Guang, a historian and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was named Zi Jian because it means "in view of the past, we should have the resources to govern Tao".
As long as you read it carefully, you can understand the dynasty war, and countless people were displaced and caught in hot water. I once remembered a story: Li Mi used to herd cattle when he was a child, but he always took some books with him and hung them on his corner, so that he could watch the cows while herding them. Later, he was elected as "Wei Gong" by Wagangjun.
Why can they all teach themselves under those difficult conditions? And our present conditions are thousands of times better than theirs, so why not study hard? Purple Tongzhi Sword not only vividly interprets a real history, reproduces vivid historical figures, but also sounds an alarm to us.