Cathedral (Catholic)
Cattle (collectively), domestic animals
Cause; Cause. Cause, cause or cause to happen.
Caves; Cave; basement
CD (short for CD)
CD ROM information storage disk (abbreviation of CD rom)
Ceiling, ceiling
Celebrate the cell n.n. celebration; Celebration banquet (cell); A single room in a monastery, etc; A small beehive, a beehive; cell
Cellar; Cellar; Underground storage room
Cents (100 cents = 1 USD)
Celsius degree
Cm, cm
Central a. Central; primary
Center (American Center)
Century; century
A. (without real name); There is no doubt about it; Definitely will. ...
Of course. Sure; Of course, there is no doubt.
Certificate; certificate
Chain. Chain; chain
chain store
Chair, chair
Chairman. Chairman; president
Female chairman, female president; spokeswoman
Chalk, chalk.
Challenge; challenge
Champion; champion
Opportunity ['chance] n.
Change. Small change; Change, change; Replace; convert
Channels. Channels; Channels; irrigation canals and ditches
Character n. (Chinese), font; Someone's moral character
Ask for a fee; Asking price; Charge (a battery). price
Chapter n
Chart; Chart; nautical chart
Chat Chat, chat
Cheap, cheap
Cheat. 5. Deception and cajoling; cheat
Check; Check; Correct; Correct. Proofreading and checking; Check; correct
Cheek, cheek
Cheer. An intransitive verb cheers; praise
Cheer up, cheer up! Cheer up!
In high spirits, cheerful
Cheers. Cheers. Thank you. Goodbye.
Pharmacist; pharmacist
Chemistry; chemistry
Check. Check.
Chester N. bocks; Box; chest
Chicken; Chicken; Chicken (as food)
Chief a. main, a first-class leader
Children (complex children)
Childhood; childhood
Chimney; chimney
Chinese a. China; China people; Chinese-speaking, Chinese-speaking n. China people; Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
Chip. ) French fries (chips)
Chocolate; Chocolate
Choose; Choose; select
Asphyxiation stifle
Choose; Pick.
Christians; Christians and Catholics are collectively called Christmas; Christmas Day (65438+February 25th)
Christmas card
Christmas tree Christmas tree
Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve)
Church; Church; church
Cigarettes cigarettes
Cinema; Cinema; film
Circle, circle. circle ...
Citizens; Citizens; resident
City, city, city
Civil a. domestic; Civil (non-military); civil
Clap your hands; clap one's hands
Class (in school); Grade; course
Classic a. traditional; Classic
Classmate, classmate
Classroom [classroom]
Clean, clean. Clean, clean
Cleaners; Cleaners; Cleaner; cleaner
Clear a. clear; Bright; clear
Obviously it's ad. Obviously, there is no doubt.
Staff; Staff; Shop assistant; office worker
Click v. Click (computer language)
Climate; climate
Climb [climb]
Clinical; clinic
Asexual reproductive biological population
Close1a. Intimacy; Close, close to ad. Close, close. Close the cloth
Clothes; Clothes; all kinds of clothes
Clothes (collectively)
Cloud; Cloud; Cloud; shadow
Clubs; Clubs; Clubs in cards
Coach n. Carriage; coach
Coal; lump of coal
Coast; Coast; seashore
Coating; Coating; Epidermis; Use a fur coat; beat
cocoa powder
Coffee [coffee]
Coca-Cola/ Coke
Cold; Cold; catch cold
Cold-blooded; cold blooded
A stiff neck
Colleague, colleague
Collect; Collect. collect
Collection ['collection] n.
College; College; teacher training school
Color ['color] n. Color.
Comb, comb.
Combination; Combination. Unite; solidarity
Come, come, come. Come, come
Comfort; Comfort; Show sympathy and concern for ...
Comfortable a. comfortable; Comfort; Comfortable and comfortable
Command n. order
Common, ordinary; * * * Yes.
Communication; Communication; Convey (feelings, information, etc.). )
Communication; Communication; Communication; consistent
Communism [* *] productism
The party's communist party member; * * * Productive
Companion; colleague
Company; company
Compare vt. Comparison; compare
Competition six. compete
Competitor, competitor
Complete; Done. end
Composition; Composition; write music
Computer; electronic computer
Computer games Electronic games
Comrade n
be very pleased with oneself
Concert; Concert; concert
V. Closure
Conclusion; Conclusion; end
Conditions; situation
Proceed. guide
Command; Administrative personnel; Instructor; Conductor (on the bus); handler
(formal) meeting; discuss
Congratulations, tevt. congratulations
Congratulations; congratulate
Connect vt. To contact.
Connection protection n.n. connector; Contact, contact and save; Protection (of natural resources); Conservative; Conservative; Conservative; A cautious and conservative person, a conservative
Consider vt. think
Consider; Consider; like
Contain, constitute, constitute
Often, constantly
Construction; Build. Build, build
Architecture; Construction; building
Contain; Contain; Including; Can accommodate
Content1a. Willing and satisfied.
Content; content
A continent; land
Contribute, contribute
Control; Control. & control
Talk, talk
Chef, chef
Cooking utensils (pots, stoves, ovens, etc.) )
Cookies. Cookies.
Cool a. cool, cool; cool
American police