1. A simple and easy-to-understand ancient text
Three points into the wood Xizhi, the king of Jin Dynasty, had the courtesy name Yishao and Kuangzi.
At the age of seven, he was good at reading. At the age of twelve, he saw the previous generation's "Bi Shuo" on his father's pillow and read it in secret. His father said, "Why did you come to steal my secret?" Xi Zhi smiled but did not answer.
My mother said, "What do you think of the brushwork?" My father saw that he was young and feared that he could not keep it a secret. Yu Xizhi said: "When you become an adult, I will teach you." The father was happy and followed him.
If there is no surplus month, the book will be greatly improved. When Mrs. Wei saw her, she spoke to Wang Ce of Taichang and said, "This boy must have seen how to use a pen. If he sees his writing up close, he will have mature wisdom."
Liu Ti said: "This son will hide my name." During the reign of Emperor Jin, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs and made more blessings. The workers cut it and inserted the pen into the wood.
Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, also known as Yi Shao, was the son of Wang Kuang. He was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he saw the book "The Theory of Writing" written by previous generations about calligraphy, and stole it from his father's pillow to read. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled but didn't In reply, his mother asked: "Are you looking at the brushwork?" His father thought that he might not be able to understand it when he was young, so he told Xizhi: "I will teach you calligraphy when you grow up."
Xizhi knelt down and worshiped. , let your children read this book now. Reading it when they grow up will delay their early development. The father was very happy and immediately gave the book to him.
In less than a month, my calligraphy has made great progress. After Mrs. Wei found out about it, she told Taichang Wang Ce: "This child must be reading "Yongbi Jue". Recently, when I saw his calligraphy, he has become a master."
Said with tears: " This child will definitely be able to cover up my reputation in the future." During the reign of Emperor Jin, sacrifices were made in the northern suburbs, and the blessing plates were changed. The craftsman's inscriptions were written by Xizhi, and the calligraphy was penetrating into the wood. 2. A simple and easy-to-understand ancient text
Duke Huan of Qi chased the White Deer and arrived at Maiqiu. When he saw the people of his country, he said: "What do you mean by that?" He said to him: "I am a member of the country of Maiqiu."
p>Duke Huan asked, "How old is the old man?" He said to him, "I am eighty years old, three or three years old." Duke Huan said, "What a wonderful life!" He drank from it and asked, "How long does the old man have?" He said to him: "The savages don't know how long the king's life is."
Duke Huan said: "I wish you the longevity of the old man!" The people of the state worshiped me again with the ribs and said: "I wish my king a long life. Gold and jade are worthless." "The people are a treasure." Duke Huan said, "How wonderful! I have heard of it. I will never be alone in my virtue. I will give you my good words again." Make my king eager to learn and not be afraid of asking questions. The sage is at your side, and the admonishment can come in. "Huan Gong did not say anything, but said: "This one is not the blessing of my husband."
The countryman burst into tears and said: "I hope you will think about it carefully. This sentence is the best of the two before my husband. I heard that the son offended his father, so he thanked his aunt and sister, and the father pardoned him. .
If a minister offends the king, he can be forgiven by the king.
In the past, Jie offended Tang, and Zhou offended King Wu. This king offends his ministers. There is no one to thank him. "Huan Gong said: "How good! I rely on the blessing of the ancestral temple and the spirit of the country to meet the old man here."
He helped him to return home and recommended him. He stopped his government in the temple. The reason why Duke Huan unites the nine princes to control the world without using military chariots is that he is not the only one in charge of the affairs of the country.
Duke Huan of Qi came to Maiqiu to hunt white deer. When he saw a city man, he asked: "What should I call you?" He replied: "I am a city man from Maiqiu. Duke Huan asked, "How old is the old man?" He replied, "I am eighty-three years old." Can you wish me a long life?" He replied: "The people in the mountains don't know how to wish the king a long life." Duke Huan said, "Then use your old life to wish me a long life!" The people in the city bowed twice with their chopsticks. , said: "If you want my king to live a long life, then regard gold and jade as lowly and the people as treasure."
Duke Huan said: "This blessing is very good! I know it. The highest virtue is not You will be lonely, and you won’t say anything useful just once. Why don’t you say another one?”
The city man bowed twice with chopsticks in his hands and said, “Let our monarch like to study but not hate to ask about status.” Lowly people can enter if they are surrounded by virtuous people and outspoken people.
Duke Huan said: "This blessing is very good!" I know it.
The highest virtue will not be lonely, and useful words will not be said only once. Why don't you say another one. The people in the city bowed twice with wine glasses in their hands and said, "Don't let the officials and the people offend our king, and don't let our king offend the officials and the people."
Huan Fen said unhappily: "This sentence is not the same as the first two blessings. You should just remove it." With tears on his face, the king cried and said, "I hope the king will think about it carefully. This sentence is more important than the two sentences just now."
I heard that a son who offended his father could be forgiven by his aunt, sister, or sister, so my father spared the offence. When I offend the king, I can ask those around the king to forgive me, and the king can forgive me.
In the past, Jie offended Tang, and Zhou offended King Wu. These are all examples of kings offending ministers, and no one has been acquitted for them until now. Duke Huan said, "Well said!" It was only through the blessings of my ancestors and the gods of the land that I met you here. "
Duke Huan helped him get on the horse and sat down. He led the horse back, recommended him to the temple and asked him to make political decisions. The reason why Duke Huan merged the nine princes and dominated the world was not because of the army, not because of the army. Just because of Guan Zhong, I also benefited from this experience. 3. Is there any simple and easy-to-understand ancient Chinese text?
; I think this one is relatively simple among the current high school Chinese textbooks.
p>Original text:
If a Qi man has a wife and a concubine and lives together ②, and his beloved ③ comes out, he will eat ④ wine and meat, and then turn to ⑤ when his wife asks for food. Then the wife will tell her concubine: "When a beloved man comes out, he will feast on wine and meat and then turn back. If he asks about his food and drink, he will be rich and noble, but if there is no one who shows off, I will punish the beloved man." The reason is 11. "
The fleas 12 arose, and the gifts 13 came from the place of the good man, and there was no one in the country 14 to talk to. When he died among the concubines of Dongguo 15, he begged for the sacrifices of the others; if they were not enough, he took care of them. He17——This is the way to be satisfied18.
His wife came back and told her concubine, "A good man is someone you look up to for the rest of your life, and this is what you are doing now." "The concubines talk to their beloved19 and weep with each other in the courtyard20. However, the beloved husband does not know that he is giving gifts21 from outside and is proud of his wife and concubines.
From the perspective of a gentleman, the reason why people seek Those who are rich and prosperous will not be ashamed of their wives, and those who do not cry will be very rare.
① Selected from "Mencius·Li Louxia"
② [Divorce] Live at home, live together.
③ [Beloved] The ancient wife’s name for her husband.
④ [餍]. Satisfied, full.
⑤ [reverse] means "return"
⑥〔The person who eats and drinks with him.
⑦〔富贵〕refers to a wealthy person.
⑧〔It refers to a good person
⑨〔无典〕不成 A person with a prestigious position.
11. [緷(jiàn) The place where the beloved is] secretly watching where he goes, spying, watching secretly. The first "zhi" is the particle, and the latter "zhi". " is a verb. Where it is, the place where it is going.
12 [Flea] means "morning".
13 [Shi (yí)] means "Meandering", meandering diagonally . This refers to secret tracking.
14. In the capital city.
15. Finally arrived outside the east gate. The cemetery. Go, go. Outside the east gate of the city. 16. The sacrificer begged for the remaining food from the people who offered sacrifices to the tomb.
17 [Look at him] and turn around to go to another cemetery.
18 [Tao] method.
19 [Shàn] ridicule.
20 [Atrium] In the courtyard
21 [Shishi (shīshī)] Looking happy and contented
Qi. There was a man in the country who had a wife and a concubine at home. Whenever the husband went out, he would always come home drunk and full of food. His wife asked him who was eating and drinking with them, and according to him, they were all the same. Rich and powerful people.
His wife told his concubine: "When my husband goes out, he always comes back drunk and full of food. Ask him who he eats and drinks with. According to him, they are all rich and powerful people, but we have never seen him." Some rich and powerful person came to the house, and I planned to secretly see where he went." When she got up the next morning, she followed her husband and walked around. In the whole city, no one was seen standing down to talk to her husband. Finally, he walked to the cemetery in the eastern suburbs and asked for some leftover sacrifices from the tomb-sweepers. If he didn't have enough, he looked around and begged elsewhere - this was how he got drunk and satiated.
His wife returned home and told her concubine: "Husband, we look up to and rely on for life, and now he is like this!" The two of them cursed in the courtyard, Crying, but the husband didn't know it yet, he came back from outside triumphantly and showed off his power in front of his two women.
In the eyes of a gentleman, there are very few methods that people use to seek promotion and wealth that will not make their wives feel ashamed and make them cry together!
This has become a very famous fable. What Mencius sketches for us is an image of an extremely despicable *** on the inside, but arrogant and arrogant on the outside. In order to show off his wealth and prestige in front of his wives and concubines, he boasted that dignitaries would treat him to food and drinks every day, but in fact he was begging in the cemetery every day. His wife and concubines were in great pain after discovering his secret, but he didn't know that the matter had been exposed, and he was still proud in front of his wives and concubines. After reading this story, I felt both funny and a little disgusting. Mencius's satire is pungent and profound. Mencius' original intention was to satirize the people of his time who used all means to travel to the gates of the princes, seeking promotion and wealth. They were high-sounding and showing off in broad daylight, but in secret they behaved despicably and did shady things.
In fact, when we read it today, we can still feel the shadow of this flying man from Qi in our lives. Of course, it is no longer possible for them to "live together with one wife and one concubine" like this "beloved man" of Qi State. They would be "arrogant" without "wives and concubines". But you can be "arrogant" to your colleagues and "arrogant" to your friends. Today I went fishing with a certain secretary, tomorrow I had a drink with a certain bureau chief, and the day after tomorrow a certain rich man invited me to a teahouse, and so on. A certain skit satirizes playing poker with business cards, isn't it the person who is being criticized by this "beloved man" of Qi?
This article satirizes those *** people who abandon their personal dignity and engage in cunning deception in order to gain wealth and wealth, and exposes the fact that they are sanctimonious on the surface. In fact, it is a dirty nature inside. 4. I am looking for 2 ancient texts, with explanations, preferably easy to understand, thank you
Carving a boat for a sword [original text] There was a man from Chu who was wading into the river, and his sword fell from the boat into the water, and suddenly struck the boat. , said: "This is where my sword fell."
The boat stopped and entered the water to find where it fell. The boat has moved, but the sword cannot move. Isn't it confusing to ask for a sword like this? (From "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals. Cha Jin") [Translation] When a man from Chu State was crossing a river by boat, his sword fell from the boat into the water. He carved a mark on the side of the boat and said: "This is my sword." The place where it fell."
When the boat docked, he jumped into the water from the marked place to find the sword. The ship has gone a long way, but the sword has not gone. Isn't it very confusing to look for the sword like this? Sit back and wait for the rabbit [original text] People in the Song Dynasty had cultivators.
There is a plant in the field. The rabbit walked and hit the plant, broke its neck and died.
Because he released the weeds and guarded the plant, he hoped to find the rabbit again. The rabbit cannot be obtained, but as a Song Dynasty, he laughs.
(Han Fei's "Han Feizi? Five Beetles") Translation: Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the Song Dynasty, and there was a tree stump in his field. One day, a rabbit that was running very fast hit a tree stump, broke its neck and died.
From then on, the farmer abandoned his farming and waited by the tree stump every day, hoping to get another rabbit. Of course, Rabbit didn't wait, and he himself became the laughing stock of Song Dynasty.