At the beginning, the general flew the least in middle age, and was pulled up by the school, which was very successful. Loyal ministers and handsome ministers can't be equal, and they all fly to their knees. In the curtain, they teach flying not to suffer. The Jin people attacked Huaixi and divided the land. You dare not do it at the beginning, but the teacher is useless. When I heard the news of my life, I was able to relieve Luzhou, and the emperor awarded me the honor of flying to two towns. Yang Yaoping, Fei Xianjun and Shi Zhong, each in a boat, each armed with weapons and equipment, Shi Zhong was happy, but you opposed it. In the battle between Huaixi and Huaixi, you flew for lack of food in the future, and the emperor blessed you, saying, "It is difficult to adjust your salary, and your mother doesn't care." You suspected that it was flying and leaking words, but it also returned to the DPRK. He opposed the proposal of flying around to tease and walk, and resigned on the grounds of insufficient salary. As far as history is concerned, you know that Shi is worried and wants to break up with Fei, but Fei refuses to discuss the matter. You are greatly displeased. And his colleague Chuzhou City, who wanted to build a city to prepare for war, flew and said, "When you make efforts to recover it, can it be considered surrender?" June became angry.
Jing Zhu, an official of Shi Zhongjun, and Hu Fang, the general leader, said: "If the two leaders are close to Shi Zhongjun, it will cause trouble." Spin on the field, capture Dali Temple, shake the fan, falsely accuse the world of loyalty. It is self-evident that the loyalty of the world is self-evident. Jun felt very sorry for Fei, so he proposed to abandon Fei and secretly reported his loyalty to the world by Fei, which made him furious.