1. Write a dot in the first grid of the first line to indicate the starting point.
2. At the beginning of the second box in the first line, write a small word, such as the word "one".
3. Write a point in the third box of the first line to indicate the stop point.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, starting from the fourth cell in the first row until the whole row is filled.
5. Write another point in the first box of the next line to indicate the starting point.
6. At the beginning of the second box in the second line, write down a small word, such as the word "two".
7. At the beginning of the second box in the second line, write down a small word, such as the word "two".
8. Write a point in the third grid of the second line to indicate the stop point.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 from the fourth cell in the second row until the whole row is filled.
10, and so on until all 35 squares are filled.