Wang Xizhi pretended to sleep.

Wang Xizhi was smart, talented and likable since he was a child. When he was ten years old, he once practiced martial arts with a general and studied military affairs. Treat the general as a newborn son, treat him as the apple of his eye, eat and sleep with him, and be inseparable. One day, before dawn, Wang Xizhi was still sleeping in the tent, and the general got up quietly. After a while, Wang Xizhi opened his hazy eyes, as if he saw an attractive conversation in a low voice under the light. He listened carefully. It turned out that a general named Qian was discussing an extremely confidential matter with the general. Then, he heard that they drank all the people around them, and the two quietly returned to the account and chatted. At this point, Wang Xizhi, who was sleeping in the tent, was completely awake from his sleep. From their whispers, he suddenly heard something extremely terrible. It was a mutiny. At that time, Wang Xizhi was ten years old, but because there were many people and things in contact with his family, he immediately thought that if they found out that they had heard the secret, the general would definitely not let him go. Wang Xizhi was in a hurry and suddenly thought of a way out. For today's plan, you can only pretend to sleep, and washing can also avoid death. Thought of here, he immediately gently covered the quilt head, fingers to dig his throat, 1 of "ah" immediately threw up all over the floor. Then, after his illness, he pretended to sleep, snoring in his nostrils sounded, and he lay down and pretended to sleep again. At this time, the two generals who rebelled in front of the account discussed for a while, and suddenly remembered whether someone would eavesdrop inside and outside the account. I was shocked when I knew that there was still a teenager sleeping in my account. They immediately thought that if someone reported the secret, they and the whole army would definitely be regarded as rebels. So, they walked to the front of the tent together, and just put their feet on the front board of the bed. The middle board of the bed was full of spit and a lot of vomit, and the smell was abnormal. They opened the curtains again and saw that the stream had drunk too much last night. After vomiting, he was very tired and fell asleep. It turns out that in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, literati often took drinking as their hobby. It is common for people to drink when they are in a good mood, get drunk and vomit, and then go to bed at last. This is also the generous and informal performance of the literati at that time! Afterwards, many people lamented that Wang Xizhi was so resourceful and fearless at a young age and must be a great man when he grew up. Sure enough, he became a great writer and calligrapher when he grew up.