What is the education model of Hengshui Middle School? What are the pros and cons of this education model?

The discussion on the Hengshui Middle School education model has always been controversial. Many people did not listen to the voices of the students studying in Hengshui Middle School, but simply denied that the Hengshui Middle School education model was not conducive to the all-round development of students. You think you don’t have any personal time in high school at Hengshui Middle School. Is that really the case?

Hengshui Middle School

First of all, let’s talk about the first point. We have not been able to devote ourselves to work 24 hours a day for a long time. Everyone needs a rest, and the students of Hengshui Middle School are the same. Unlike many people who think that high school students in Hengshui Middle School do not have enough rest time. They get up at 5:30 in the morning, take a lunch break from 12:45 to 13:35, and turn off the lights at 22:00 in the evening. In fact, the students in Hengshui Middle School have enough rest time. Of sleep time, there are 8 hours of sleep time.

The schedule of senior high school students in Hengshui Middle School is no different from that of other high schools. Many high schools adopt similar timetables to Hengzhong, but their grades are miles apart, which shows the success of Hengzhong. , not studying all the time all day long as many people think. The sad thing is that some high schools have a more rigorous timetable than Hengzhong, and the results of the college entrance examination are not satisfactory.

Hebei Hengshui Middle School was founded in 1951. In terms of college entrance examination results, Hengzhong has no rivals in Hebei. In the 2020 college entrance examination, Hengzhong accounted for 8 of the top 10 students in the province; among the top 20 in the province , 18 people were ranked in Hengzhong; among the top 30, 24 people were ranked in Hengzhong.

What is the secret to the success of Hengshui Middle School? The characteristics of the education model of Hengshui Middle School include semi-military management; precise management of time; strict management, the school's control reflects not only "how to do" but also "what to do"; performance quantification, turning all the school's requirements into measurement standard requirements Students; the two cores of the "Hengzhong Spirit" are the dedication of teachers, who often sacrifice their personal breaks to correct homework and find good questions for students, and the second is the personality charm of the principal.

The students who attend high school in Hengzhong are also high-quality students. Students in Hengzhong must think and implement efficiently; the principal plays the backbone role in the entire system: teachers are the implementers and must do When it comes to "uploading and distributing", we must also achieve "reform and innovation". We must understand the overall direction proposed by the principal and be able to communicate it to students in a popular way.

The core of the entire system is efficiency, rather than depriving students of their rest time. Students in Hengzhong have enough sleep, and they do not use their rest time to study as some people think. Learning is the best What matters is efficiency.

It is difficult to rise up the social ladder nowadays. Getting into a prestigious university is the best way. Although the Hengzhong model has flaws, it ignores individuality and is not conducive to comprehensive development. Hengshui Middle School is located in Hengshui City. Hengshui's economic aggregate and per capita GDP are the last in Hebei. As an economically underdeveloped area, how can it compete with students from big cities if we don't use extraordinary measures?