2. The pen is very thin and can show the shape of China's strokes. If the basic stippling shape of Chinese characters can be accurately displayed, it shows that the pen manufacturing accuracy is relatively high and the accurate stippling shape can be written. Some pens can write dots, horizontal lines and folds, but they can't write hooks, show the shape of hooks or write the shape of dots. These pens are all made with defective tips and are not suitable for practicing hard pen calligraphy.
3. Don't choose a gel pen that is too thin and thick when practicing calligraphy. Pens that are too thin or too thick are not suitable for beginners to practice calligraphy. Only when they have high pen control ability can they use it accurately and write high-level works. Such as accounting pens, artistic pens, sharp pens, or sharp pens are not suitable for beginners. Too thin or too thick a pen is not easy to show the shape of Chinese strokes.