Xinghan Village belongs to which province and which city.

Xing han cun is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Xu Ying Town, Huojia County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 4 10724104214, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 410724. The postal code is 453000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0373, and the license plates are Yu G. Xinghan Village and Xu Ying Dongjie Village, Xu Yingjie Village, Xu Ying Houdamen Village, Xu Ying Beizhuang Village, Xu Ying Beijie Village, Dawang Gaolou Shikou Village, Dawang Gaolou Nantang Village, Dawang Gaolou Dongying Village, Dawang Gaolou Houdi Village, Dalin Village, Yangmazhuang Village, Yangxuan Yidong Village and Xuanyang Yixie Village.

There are tourist attractions such as Tongmeng Mountain, Huojia Wuwang Temple, qi zhou Ancient City, Tongmeng Mountain Site, Silent Photo Temple and Huojia Town God Temple near Xinghan Village. There are special products such as Huojia Chinese cabbage, Huojia black beans, Huojia strips, old handmade coarse home textiles, and Huojia flowers and trees.