Let's look at the roses in Pingyin. The roses in Pingyin were not designated as the hometown of roses in 1982. Pingyin rose is the representative of traditional roses in China. Its special geographical location, soil and moisture all laid the foundation for pingyin rose's non-replicability. Many experts and quality inspection departments have given clear answers. You'll find a lot of them in Baidu again, so I won't introduce them.
Actually, I believe you are asking which of their processed products is better. Or just say whose scented tea is good. I can tell you responsibly that pingyin rose tea is better. Of course, not all pingyin rose teas are good. It depends on the manufacturer. Pingyin rose is an industry now. Many good manufacturers are doing it, and relatively speaking, many manufacturers can still guarantee the quality. And 20 10 countries have listed pingyin rose as a common food. This will have a safe foundation.
Roses in Xinjiang are relatively short of these.
Now there are many products in China, many of which are the first in China and have good technology. You can search for Berun Yunhui on Taobao, and you will probably know.
From my analysis above, I believe you should not find it hard. Pingyin rose tea is slightly better.