Confucius said: A gentleman does not have enough to eat, but is restless. He is sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, so he has proper channels and is eager to learn. Confucius said, "I am sensitive and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is also a saying. "
Confucius and Mencius is a knowledgeable scholar in the history of our country. He is a representative figure of Confucianism, known as a "saint" in history, and his theory is called "The Way of Confucius and Mencius".
Both Confucius and Mencius like traditional combination words. Through the formation of calligraphy combination art, they learn from the ancients, enlighten future generations, study hard, tap potential and innovate, and make great efforts to govern. Often hung in the reader's study, revealing the master's spiritual character. Another variant is the concentrated expression of Confucius and Mencius' attitude and spirit of studying, which is written as Confucius and Mencius' Tuzixue, and its spiritual essence is embodied through this artistic form.
It should be written by ancient Confucian scholars, which is more profound than the combination words of the way to make money.