Yushugou village belongs to which province and which city.

Yushugou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of urban and rural areas of Dahong in Hohhot and Linger County, Inner Mongolia. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 150 123205206, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 150 123. Postal code 0 10000, long-distance telephone area code 047 1, license plate number Meng A. Yushugou Village is adjacent to Xiangyanggou Village, Sancun Village, Shiwu Village, Xiaogang Fangcun Village, Hongshankou Village, Twentieth Village, Sanzhishu Village, Twenty-nine Village, Zhangjiasishiyi Village, Village, Dahongcheng Village, Yushuliang Village and Baiqiyao Village.

There are Mengniu Industrial Tourism Zone, Lesheng Museum, Dongshan Calligraphy Art Park, Lesheng Baihua Garden, Bai Ye Shaba Reserve and other tourist attractions near Yushugou Village. And Ringer has bean noodles, and Ringer has warm pot mutton, and Ringer has hump meat, and Ringer has potatoes, and Inner Mongolia has braised laver.