Wei Zhi's family, that is, who is Wei Zheng's wife and what is her name, what are the children's names and their brief information.
Wei Zhi's wife, Pei Shi, is an honest, frugal and good woman and a famous wife in history. Although Pei's wife is the prime minister, she has been so thrifty since she married her husband, and she lives in the old house with her husband, spinning and weaving every day without complaint. When Wei Zhi was dying, there was no purlin in the house where he lived, and he needed Taizong's assistance in building materials, giving cloth quilts and plain plates. When Wei Zhi was buried, Emperor Taizong ordered all the officials with nine grades or above to attend the funeral, advocating Yu Bao and burying Zhaoling with him. His wife, Pei Shi, said: "I have been frugal in my life, and I am buried with a feather instrument today, which is not the ambition of the dead." I was informed that I was not accepted, and I was buried in a cloth car. It can be seen that Wei Zhi's wife, Pei Shi, is a person who knows how to be measured, and she is very light and thorough about fame and fortune. Wei Zheng has seven sons: Wei Shuyu, Wei Shuwan, Wei Shuyu, Wei Shuyu, Wei Shuqian, Wei Shuzhen and Wei Shuhuan. Among them, Wei Shuqian, Wei Shuzhen and Wei Shuhuan may be Wei Zhi's daughters. Wei Shuyu, the eldest son, had an engagement with Princess Hengshan, but half a year after Wei Zhi's death, because Wei Zhi had recommended Du Zhenglun, the assistant minister of Chinese books, and Hou Junji, the official department minister, who had been killed successively, and praised them for their talent as prime ministers, Li Shimin suspected Wei Zhi of forming personal cronies. In addition, there are rumors that Wei Zhi recorded his admonition to the emperor before his death and showed it to Chu Suiliang, an official who recorded history at that time, which made him even more angry. Not only did he cancel the engagement of Princess Hengshan to Wei Shuyu, the eldest son of Wei Zhi, but he also ordered Wei Zhi's tombstone to be demolished. At the beginning of the eighteenth year of Zhenguan, after Li Shimin failed in his crusade to Korea, he remembered that Wei Zhi had advised him not to crusade to Korea < /SPAN> In front of the ministers, he said, "If Wei Zhi were here, I would never be today." While admitting his mistake, he ordered the restoration of Wei Zhi's tomb and made Wei Shuyu inherit the title of Lord protector. < /SPAN> < /SPAN> < /SPAN> < /p> The second son, Wei Shuwan, was a calligrapher in history and was not an official. The third son, Wei Shuyu, was once an assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites and was killed during the reign of Wu Zetian. The fourth son, Wei Shuyu, was the secretariat of Yuzhou, and his son, Wei Hua, and his nephew, Xue Ji, were all great calligraphers. < /SPAN> < /p>