Yin Ye, the eighth son of the Holy Father. In March of the thirty-seventh year of Kangxi, Baylor was sealed. 1September, 947, he was in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the prince allows it to be abolished, he will allow it to be built in his name. I and all the ministers, A Ling, A, A, and A Wang, all followed orders. If allowed to say, it means that the fortune teller Zhang Mingde will be very expensive after doing it, and he will be furious. Ling Pu, the general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, offended the prince by attaching him to his family, so he allowed him to take refuge and took responsibility for it. The Oracle said, "Ling Pu has got a lot of money, but there are still many books. Every time he gets a false reputation, he credits himself for his goodness. He is another prince! If someone is praised, he will be killed. " The next day, the ministers were called in and told: "When Yun Yong was abolished, I told the ministers that a traitor was hired as the Crown Prince, which was not allowed by law. Yunyou was soft-hearted, treacherous, ambitious, and closely related to his party followers, so he murdered Yunyou. Today, everything is exposed, that is, it is locked up and handed over to the deliberation room for trial. " Yunchan's words were Yunchan, and he went to save Yunchan. He was angry and took out his sword to punish him. Yun Qi knelt down to stop him, but he was angry and didn't breathe a sigh of relief. He still told princes, ministers and other ministers not to forgive crimes. Zhang Mingde, a fortuneteller, knew the word dysprosium, and even the county kings Bumuba, Gong afterlife and Pucci inherited it, and also inherited the county king's constant attendance. Zhang Mingde was executed this year, Pucci took Qi Huangong, and Wandering also took Baylor, an idle imperial clan. Then the ministers said, "Allow Jacopo, his nurse, to take refuge. Wu Dali, Jacopo's uncle, shares the responsibility with Yongtai, the imperial counselor. They can't agree with each other. They can sue him and let him blame Yongtai bitterly. I heard about it. It's for Princess Onniut. Yunchan made an agreement with the Englishman Sun Sunu because of his hatred for me, which ruined the affairs of state. Yun Kun also obeys his wife, who is the nephew of King Yue Le of An Jun County. She is jealous and evil, so Yunkun has no children. This is all known to Ercao, who has to obey my orders for the sake of his officials. If I am not so concerned, I will bow down and lock me in the Qing palace after the exam, and my armor will compete with each other. " Fortunately, I went to Nanyuan, got sick and went back to the palace. I asked Yunyun to come to see me and told the prince to live in Xian 'an Palace. A few days later, the ministers were ordered to recommend the prince among the princes, and A Ling and others privately told the ministers to do so. The master said, "Yunyun is guilty of not changing his job. Her mother is also humble, don't raise it. " On the release of Yun Yong, Baylor was also restored. In the first month of forty-eight, the ministers were summoned to ask those who advocated making Yunyou a prince, but they were afraid to express their views. Ma Qi, a great scholar, first said that people should do one thing, but because of Ma Qi's condemnation, he no longer took it seriously. Find Yun Yong and re-establish him as the prince. In November of 1951, it was restored. 196 1 year 1 1 month, I was seriously ill, calling Yunsu and Yunzhi, Yunyou, Yunsu, Yunsu, me, Yunsu and Yunxiang the common destiny. Sejong acceded to the throne, and was appointed Prime Minister, Prince Lian, and Minister Yuan. In the first year of Yongzheng, he was ordered to handle the affairs of the Ministry of Industry. Sejong deeply regretted that the Crown Prince allowed Lian Zhu to be abolished and let Lian Zhu succeed. Yu Yun also knows Sejong's regret. He is often unhappy. When the prince sealed it, his Fujin Wu Yashi said to the congratulator, "What are you doing? I can't help but worry about leadership! " Hearing this, Sejong regretted it. The vice chairman of the meeting played Zilsa's note: "When Manchu customs are lost, relatives and friends feed porridge to comfort them. After that, the customs gradually drifted and extravagant. " He used it to discuss the ban, because he reprimanded: "I am allowed to live at the funeral of my mother's concubine, cherish my filial name, and walk on my knees after a hundred days;" However, I was promised, I was promised, I was promised food, and I gave a big banquet. Re-examination in imperial examinations. "In the second year, the imperial edict said:" The imperial examination knows that the imperial edict is incomplete. Since I acceded to the throne, I have made you Prince and appointed you Prime Minister. But I can't lose the sincerity to bow for me, and I'm selfish, so I haven't done it yet. Everything wants to provoke me to cure my sins and add me in the name of not committing crimes. I cherish Yuncan very much. He is very capable of handling affairs among my brothers. He can't compare with Yunchan and Yunchan, but he never changed after repeated teaching, which made him turn over a new leaf, not only became a friend, but also proved the kindness of the whole emperor. If I want to cure him, what reason is there to teach him three times before? Close the ancestral temple and have to take precautions. Yunyun ran amok in the imperial examination, and bandits seized it day and night. I don't think about the great plans made by our ancestors, so as to ensure the safety of our descendants forever. "Three years in February, served for three years. In order to make him prime minister, he is guilty and guilty, so we will not discuss it. Looking for the reason is that the Ministry of Industry has made the ancestral memorial tablet of the Blessing Valley altar sloppy, and Altai's garrison is simple, and he has repeatedly sent letters to allow it; Agreed to reduce the armor of the interior office, the order was repeated, and an assistant was hired to increase more than 90 pairs of armor. Before and after the Lord agreed to disagree, saying, "Yin evil fails, and this is not much! "Because I was ordered to stay in the armor for an assistant, I wasn't immediately laid off and didn't fill a vacancy. All the people with official armor gathered in the palace to make trouble, and the next day they gathered in the deputy governor Li's house and swept it vertically. I was ordered to arrest and cure, and everyone listed themselves, allowing them to coax Yan Yan's family and allow them not to make noise. There are orders that the leader should be beheaded. Among the five names, Yunyun turned himself in, and the other insisted that he was sick and was responsible for the untrue. The Zongren government decided to arrest Yun Chang and ordered leniency. The stick was allowed to protect the army for ninety-six, and the eunuch Yan Lun was ordered to hide it and give it generously. Zong Renfu reconsidered and won the title of Lord Yun, giving him a higher rank. In the first month of the fourth year, he went to Yuxi Nuange, summoned all the kings to make a violent confession, and said briefly, "I wanted to be loyal and filial at that time, but everything broke the heart of the sage." The second brother sat on the bench, and the Holy Father ordered Yun and I to handle affairs in Beijing. Anyone who started playing was approved by the imperial court and stored by Yunyun. When asked about Yunyun, the heir said,' The former emperor was angry, and he was afraid that something would happen, so he burned a pen gift, including the royal approval.' This is the man who promised to talk to me. The Holy Father has risen far away. I thought I was talented. I hope he will repent and turn over a new leaf, make contributions to the country, be his prime minister, seal the crown prince and trust him. In the past three years, Zong Renfu and his ministers have illegally negotiated peace, and even the accumulation of things has made me endure everything. It is to allow insidious evil, arrogance and chaos, and cover up the evil heart, which is getting worse. I went to Zongren House to ask why the imperial examinations were burned, and agreed to change his words:' I was sick, confused and burned by mistake.' And my face, openly swearing, cursed a family. Allow you to die in heaven, from your ancestors, from me, and never leave your family name and die for me! I would like to present an imperial decree and follow the precedent to cut off my ancestral home and yellow belt to warn future generations. "And ordered its Fujin also in-laws. In February, Yunyou was made the People's King, leaving no subordinates. At every court meeting, people's ancestors, Hou and Bo, were called the Prince of Wandering. Please forgive me, Wang. I'm not allowed to go up there. Find life to behead the baron, and pay the family government to ban the high wall. Please rename Zongren House as: Akina, and Zi as Bao Bodhisattva. In June, Wang replied to 40 counts of Yunchan, demanding that Yunchan and Yunchan be punished with standard punishment, so as to punish both at home and abroad. In September, Yunyan vomited, was ordered to recuperate, and died in a secluded place a few days later. The king still demands that the body be slaughtered, not allowed. In the first month of the forty-third year of Qianlong, Zong said, "The eighth and ninth sons of the Holy Father, who set up a party and acted rashly, all deserve it. The imperial examination only changed the title of the book to show shame. As far as their minds are concerned, it is inevitable that they are greedy for stealing and have grievances and slanders with the emperor, but there is no obvious rebellion. Huang Kao in his later years told me many times that he was unhappy and regretted it. If so, it has yet to be completed. I have been in the palace for forty-three years, and this is very important. If I don't speak, there will be no descendants who dare to speak. Yunyan and Yunyan were restored to their names and included in the Jade Family, including their descendants. I really admire Emperor Koren's wish, and I want to be happy in the spirit of heaven. "