All translations of Ai Zi Za Shuo (written by Su Shi)

There was a man from Yingqiu who, although he had little knowledge, always liked to quarrel with others. One day, he asked Ai Zi: "Most of the carts and camels have bells hanging on them. Why?" Ai Zi said: "The carts and camels are very big things. If they go at night, they would be fine without hanging bells." If you encounter a bell on a narrow road, you won’t have time to get out of the way. The ringing of the bell can remind the other party to prepare in advance.” The Yingqiu man asked again: “Is the bell on the tower also to remind people to prepare to give way?” Ai Zi laughed at his ignorance. , replied: "Birds like to nest in high places, and the bird droppings are very dirty. Bells are hung on the towers. When the wind blows and the bell rings, the birds will be scared away." The people in Yingqiu also asked: "The eagle and the There are also bells on the harrier's tail. How can any bird nest on the tail of an eagle or a harrier?" Ai Zi laughed and said, "You are so unreasonable! When a hawk goes out to catch birds, the rope tied to its feet will get entangled in the branches; when it flaps its wings, the bell will jingle, and people can follow the sound to find it. Can it be said that it is to prevent birds from nesting?"

Yingqiu still asked: "I once saw a funeral groom ringing a bell in his hand and singing a song. Could it be that? "Are you afraid of stumbling on a tree branch?" Ai Zi got a little annoyed and said, "The groom is there to clear the way for the dead. He just likes to fight with others when he is alive, so I ring the rattle to make him happy!" ”

There was a scholar in Yingqiu who had a bad temperament, but he was also very meddlesome and liked to use roundabout ways to criticize others. He almost never made sense. One day, he went to visit Ai Zi and asked, "There is a bell tied under every cart and around the neck of a camel. What is the reason for this?"

Ai Zi replied: " Carts and camels are large objects, and they often travel at night. If they suddenly meet on a narrow road, it is difficult to avoid them, so they have to use the sound of bells to make the other party hear them so that they can avoid them in advance. "Yingqiu taxis. The person then asked: "There are also bells installed on the top of the pagoda. Does it mean that the pagoda also walks at night and uses the sound of the bells to avoid each other?"

Ai Zi replied: " You are so unreasonable that you have come to such an extent! Most birds and magpies rely on high places to nest, and the droppings they spread are very dirty. Therefore, bells should be tied to the tower to scare the birds and magpies from nesting. What do you think? How can this be compared with the bells of carts and camels?" The scholar at Yingqiu said: "The eagle harrier also has small bells attached to its tail. How can any bird and magpie nest on the eagle harrier's tail? What about the matter?"

Ai Zi laughed and said: "It's really weird, you don't know how to adapt to things! When the eagles and falcons catch food, some chase them into the woods and are often caught. If it gets caught in the tape or accidentally gets caught on a branch, when it flaps its wings and struggles, the bell will ring, and people can follow the bell to find it to prevent birds and magpies from nesting on its tail."

The scholars in Yingqiu were still unconvinced and said: "I once saw that during a funeral, the groom leading the way sang an elegiac song with a bell. I didn't ask what the reason was. I only found out today. I'm afraid that the branches will catch his feet, so that people can follow the sound to find him. But I don't know if the tape that hooks and holds the man's feet is made of leather strips? Or is it made of silk thread?"

Ai Zi replied angrily after hearing this: "The Bandang is the person who guides the deceased to the funeral. Because the deceased liked to argue with others during his lifetime, he rang the bell to entertain his corpse!"

Original text:

Yingqiu Shi is not intelligent by nature. Every time there are many things, it is easy to deal with difficulties and not make sense. One day, Zao Ai Zi asked: "Under the carts, there are many bells and bells on the tops of the carts and bowls. What is the reason for that?" Ai Zi said: "The carts and bowls are very large and numerous. We are traveling at night. When we suddenly meet on a narrow road, it is difficult to avoid it by hearing the sound of the sound, so that we can avoid it."

Yingqiu Shi said: "There is also a bell bell on the pagoda. Doesn't it mean that the pagoda also travels at night? , so that you can avoid evil?" Ai Zi said: "You are unreasonable, and this is the case.

Therefore, if the tower has a bell to warn birds and magpies, how can it be compared to a chariot and a camel? Yingqiu Shi said: "There is also a small bell on the tail of the eagle and harrier. Is there a magpie nest at the tail of the eagle and harrier?" "

Ai Zi laughed and said: "That's weird, you don't understand! When an eagle strikes an object, or enters the forest, it stumbles over the silk thread, and occasionally gets caught in a tree. When the bird flutters its feathers, the sound of the bell can be found and retrieved. How can it be called a bird-proof and magpie's nest? ”

Yingqiu Shi said: “I have seen the handsome man singing while holding the Duo, but I didn’t understand the reason, but now I know that he may be tied up by the branches, which will make it easier to search.” If you don't know how to win over a man, how can you use skin? Use thread? Ai Zi was stunned and replied: "The bailiff is the guide of the deceased. He is always asking questions for the deceased while he was still alive, so he plays drums to entertain his corpse's ears." ”

Source: From "Ai Zi Za Shuo" by Su Shi of the Song Dynasty.

Extended information:

Introduction: Su Shi (author)

"Ai Zi's Miscellaneous Stories" was written by Su Shi of the Song Dynasty. *** Thirty-nine chapters are included in the Ming Dynasty's "Gu's Study Room Novels". "Ai Zi's Miscellaneous Stories" is different from other collections of jokes or fables. There is also humor in fables. However, both fables and humor are works that "borrow the past to satirize the present"

The Fragments of the Yongle Dadian Canon

A Comprehensive Examination of Documents

One volume of "Ai Zi": Chen said: It is said that it was written by Dongpo, which is not necessarily the case.

Zeng Zhenlei said:

"Ai Zi": Gongsun Long and Wei Mou were born after Li Yukou, and their stories are found in Lieh Zi's books. The speaker said that Lieh Zi's disciples had questions because of their lack of righteousness, so they followed them, and there is no doubt that Ai Zi's story was the same. King Xuan, as the book contains many things from later generations, how can it help the scholars of Ai Zi to broaden their knowledge and keep all the comments that are not inconsistent with the unified narrative? Zi's ??learning can be understood, but it can be done later.

Li Daishu Pu

"Ai Zi": It is said that Ai Zi was written by Po Xian, and they were all temporary plays. There is also a basis for it. It is said that "one crab is not as good as one crab". In the "Sheng Song Dynasty", Tao Gu sent an envoy to Wu Yue to ask about his tribe because he ate locusts. Zhongyi ordered him to go from locusts to crabs. The remaining seeds are used to advance. Gu said: It is true that one generation is not as good as the other. Wu Sidao said: It was written by Wei Daofu of Xiangyang. The author is unknown.

Su Shi (1037-1101) was a writer, calligrapher and painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. Dongpo Jushi, Han nationality, was born in Meishan, Meizhou (now part of Sichuan). Together with his father Su Xun and his younger brother Su Zhe, he was known as a versatile scholar in literature and art. Also known as Ou Su, he is one of the eight great poets of the Tang and Song Dynasties.

His poetry is fresh and bold, he is good at using exaggerated metaphors, and has a unique style in artistic expression. He is also known as Su Huang together with Huang Tingjian; his poetry is bold and bold. It has a great influence on future generations. Together with Xin Qiji, he is known as Su Xin. He is good at running script and regular script in calligraphy. He can create his own ideas. His brushwork is rich and ups and downs, with an innocent and unrestrained interest. Together with Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu and Cai Xiang, he is known as the Four Masters of Song Dynasty. Painting He studied literature and likes to paint dead trees and strange rocks. His poems and essays include "Dongpo Seven Collections" and "Dongpo Yuefu".

Baidu Encyclopedia - Ai Zi Zashuo