Correct writing posture is very important. Keep your head straight, don't tilt your head, keep your body straight, put your body on your side or lie flat, put your feet flat on the ground, and don't cross your legs to pad your feet. Eyes should be one foot away from the paper, not too close or too far away. Now many people are nearsighted, so they are used to being close to paper. This habit is not good. The distance between the hand and the pen tip is one inch, which is the skill of holding the pen. Generally, the pen is about the first third of the whole pen. The chest should not lean against the table, nor should it be too far away from the table. The punching distance is appropriate.
Be confident that you can write beautiful and good words! Then, we should cultivate an aesthetic view of calligraphy and have an interest in calligraphy. Finally, of course, it is the most critical. To find a good copybook, the font is what we appreciate very much, and then copy it. First, we should cover the copybook with transparent paper to describe it. After practicing for a while, we will take the paper away and copy it to the copybook. After a while, we put the copybook aside and wrote it ourselves. After writing, we will compare it with the copybook to see what is different. Finally, there is the stage of self-innovation: because at this time, what you write is still XX style, you can transform some strokes and font structure according to your own ideas and make it a font with your own unique style! If you are interested, you can also practice brush calligraphy, because it is very beneficial to practice hard pen calligraphy. Finally, I want to explain that practicing calligraphy is a long-term subtle process. Don't expect it to impress people in a short time, you must practice every day and persevere.
Copying should also be combined: Copying is the most basic way to learn calligraphy, not only for beginners, but also after a certain foundation. Learning regular script requires copying, while learning seal script, official script, running script and cursive script still requires copying. Calligraphers spend their whole lives copying, learning, thinking and creating in copying. Copying is to cover the copybook with thin paper, and then follow the shadow with a pen and write according to the exposed handwriting, which is also called "imitation" or delay writing. Another method of copying is called "tracing red", which is to fill in the words printed with red lines with double hooks.