Chang' an is a good time for Qingming, and it is appropriate to send each other. Everything in Rain Hua is fresh. At first glance, it is sunny, and the spring is chilly and the calendar is near Qingming. Wine to the queen, just after Qingming; Tear down the rotten tung flowers, drain the rain at the beginning, and wash them clean.
Before and after Tomb-Sweeping Day, the spring was bright and the spring rain was falling, and the survival rate of planted seedlings was high and the growth was fast. So there is a habit of planting trees in Tomb-Sweeping Day, and some people call Tomb-Sweeping Day Arbor Day.
The custom of planting trees has been passed down to this day. The custom of planting trees in Tomb-Sweeping Day is said to have originated from the custom of crossing willows and inserting willows in Qingming Festival. There are two legends about Tomb-Sweeping Day.
The first legend is said to commemorate Shennong, the founder of agriculture, and later developed into the meaning of praying for longevity.
The second legend is related to meson push. It is said that when Jin Wengong led the minister to climb a mountain to pay homage to Jietui, he found that the old willow tree on which Jietui once lived came back from the dead, so he was given the title of "Qingming Willow". The third legend is that Emperor Taizong gave the minister a willow circle as a blessing to drive away the epidemic.
Hard-pen calligraphy is a kind of calligraphy art, and writing tools include pens, gel pens, artistic pens, pencils, chalk and so on. With ink or powdery medium as the main carrier, it shows the writing skills of Chinese characters and other characters.
It has the characteristics of convenient carrying, quick writing and wide use value. The visual difference between it and brush calligraphy is that the strokes are thick or thin, just like removing their bones and muscles. However, the imaging principle and sports skills are very different, and they are two different sports methods.
The characteristics of hard pen calligraphy are mainly compared with brush calligraphy.
1, because the material of hard pen tip is hard, its line change is not as big as that of soft pen-the brush changes greatly;
2. Because the commonly used hard pen is mainly a pen, the lines are much thinner than the brush, so the font is much smaller, even smaller than the fine print of the brush;
Because of the material of the pen, the hard pen is easier to control than the brush.